Criticism of the first 40 pages of “Pediatrics with common sense” (I)

I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I said I would not spend time on this book and I have been weak, I have fallen into the trap and I have read the first 40 pages of the book "Pediatrics with common sense" of Dr. Eduard Estivill and Dr. Gonzalo Pin.

The reason for falling is that I read very good reviews about the book (I don't mean they talked well about it, but they criticized it very well), and I felt the need to live it in the first person.

"Total, you have already read his two most famous books," I thought, and it is true, I no longer came from 40 pages, so I got to it and after reading them, here goes my review, which comes to complement what I said a few days ago about the book, when I had only read the cover.

Why 40 pages

Before getting into the subject, I tell you why I insist on talking about the first 40 pages and not on 30 or 50, nor in the whole book. On the I like to read website, you can read the first 40 pages of this book for free. It is not that I recommend that you go there, but if someone ends up having the same restlessness as me, then that he passes and thus quenches his thirst for curiosity.


The principle of "Pediatrics with common sense" is exciting

I do not say it ironically, but fully aware and knowing that my words reach many people: The principle of the book "Pediatrics with common sense" is exciting, I would almost say that it is recommended.

I don't say much about the prologue because there isn't much content to talk about. I would just highlight that the purpose of the book is “That it becomes a very useful tool for millions of fathers and mothers”. No tens, hundreds, or thousands: millions. They want to sell the book to everyone. And that the book "only" costs 24.90 euros.

You will think that it is logical, that if someone writes a book, they would like to sell as many copies as possible, and the truth is that it is, totally logical, but it sounds presumptuous and disrespectful to want to reach millions of parents, sell a book for almost 25 euros, with the one that is falling, and then appear in an interview saying that “The crisis will save the children; will teach them to suffer ”.

Well, listen, apply the story doctors, suffer a little, sell the cheapest book, give it away or do not sell it, so you will not earn money and be saved, and if you have enough, distribute. Although well thought out, perhaps they intend to sell millions of copies of a book that costs what it costs precisely to damage our pocket and that our children suffer to be saved. If so, double the price.

Well, returning to the subject (excuse me, how easy I go through the branches), the first pages after the prologue are very exciting. They talk about loveThey talk about time to meet the king of the house, to meet their needs and even claim that there are no formulas that work one hundred percent.

They start explaining the importance of a good bond, of how to strengthen emotional ties ("I was wrong about the book," I thought), they recommend caresses, eye contact, explore their body in each shot to meet the baby and meet their mother, speak in a sweet and gentle tone, among other things.

Then they continue explaining how the baby will be, the tone of his skin, the shape of the head, how the first days will be, etc. All very correct and beautiful. I already say, First pages highly recommended.

However, starting on page 28, everything takes its course

Do you know that feeling you have when everything is very calm and you feel that something will happen at any time? Well, this is the feeling I had reading the first wonderful pages of this book. "It's too pretty, it can't be true," "I get nailed at any time" and, indeed, from page 28 the real book begins.

All the above is something like straw, what is said before telling the truth, what goes before the "but". There is a saying that says something like "everything that goes before it is irrelevant, filled" ("You are doing very well, but let me that I am done") and in this case, those first pages seem a great phrase that goes before the but, in plan "everything is very beautiful, let's talk about love, affection, ties, communication and massages if you want, but the interesting and important comes now".

What happens on page 28?

Well this, this is what happens:

From the first day of life it is interesting to establish certain eating, hygiene and sleep routines. If the baby falls asleep while breastfeeding or in arms, you will generate in him the belief that this is normal, and not sleep in his bed.

Love is over, caresses are over and common sense is gone. When it's time to sleep, it's time to sleep, alone and in your bed, child. What more it is that the most logical thing is that babies fall asleep because they get tired, because breast milk contains amino acids that produce sleep and because babies come with a sucking reflex that calms and calms them. The important thing is to fight against what most babies do, which is to fall asleep to the chest and, if you do not sleep on your chest, do not sleep in your arms.

What more it is that babies do not have reasoning ability to think "why sleep in the arms of my mother or father, if I know that in bed I will be fine" and that they only seek to survive. If a baby is not able to sleep alone in his bed, which most are not capable of, it will be for something ... perhaps because they come standard prepared to survive and one of the behaviors that assures them to continue living is, above all, not sleeping alone. But didn't he say at first that his needs had to be met? I do not understand anything…

The baby should stay awake for the entire time of the shot. This is quite difficult, as it tends to fall asleep when you eat. Talk to him, make small caresses and gently stimulate him to keep awake.

The best is that they themselves claim that it is quite difficult. In my town, common sense equals a lot with the symptoms of normalcy. When most babies do the same without anyone having taught them, it is said that what they do is normal. If one day you meet a baby and a mother tells you "I fall asleep when I breastfeed," you, who have seen hundreds of babies doing the same thing, pull common sense and say: quiet, it's normal.

I don't know what babies these doctors have seen, the truth, to write this book (probably quite suffering babies, because you have to be a scoundrel to talk, caress and stimulate a person who is about to catch a quiet and pleasant sleep).

You are going to excuse me, but seeing that this is going for long, tomorrow we publish another entry with the rest of what 13 pages of a book give of themselves (those that go from 28 to 40).

Video: "Guidelines for the Management of Pediatric Severe Traumatic Brain Injury" by Pat Kochanek (April 2024).