The importance of "storytelling grandparents"

Grandparents are very important for the little ones in many ways, but today we want to stop at the importance of "storytelling grandparents" as transmitters of that wonderful popular culture which unfortunately has not reached many of us (or we have forgotten along the way ...).

The grandparents not only read stories with pleasure, they are also great connoisseurs of stories, anecdotes, popular legends typical of each region ... In addition, each family keeps their stories in memory, in some object of the house, in customs ... With them We grow, we know each other and we recognize each other, even when we grow up we would like to know (or remember) those stories that maybe our grandparents have already told us.

Apart from stories and stories, those children who are lucky enough to live near grandparents will learn old games and songs, reliving, in turn, what they heard from their grandparents.

I would have loved to know many more popular children's songs, but the truth is that in this a lot of theory and little practice, it is the grandparents who bring all their wisdom and from there learn my daughters and myself.

The stories told by the grandparents are special, that image of generations so different enjoying the stories together is wonderful, and it moves me many years ago, when it was I who listened attentively to those stories.

Further, grandparents can tell the stories of their childhood, how they played, what they had fun when there was no television or video games, and everything will be making our children learn to know them better, to know another world so different from the one they live now but that is part of our origins, reminding us where we came from .

Those who come from other lands, from other cultures, can retake their roots and teach their grandchildren more about them, who will learn to appreciate diversity. These stories are a way to "rejuvenate" for grandparents, and enrich and stimulate our children.

The moments shared with the grandparents remain in the children's memory and, hopefully, in the future, they themselves will tell the stories, the stories, the songs, the popular games ... to their children and their grandchildren, thus preventing them from being lost in time.

Video: The Importance of Kissing (July 2024).