The AEP draws attention to the biting with vibration

I was unaware of this new modality of teethers, although I am not surprised because in childcare we are used to curl the rice ... I have been able to see on the website of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics that currently exist in the Spanish market some teethers with vibration whose goal is to relieve the pain of the baby during the exit of the teeth.

They are bites as usual, with the differential characteristic that when they bite they vibrate and with this it is intended to stimulate the circulation of the gums and relieve the pain of the child.

But, both on the front page of the website and in its section dedicated to families, the Child Injury Safety and Prevention Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics puts us on notice of the possible risks associated with this type of teethers.

They explain that there is no scientific publication that demonstrates the advantages of these snappers and that there are instead some information (not demonstrated in scientific works) that speak of the level of vibration they produce could injure the skeleton, at the neck and spine level, of the little one.

In short, with all these data, they recommend that babies not use these teethers with vibration, or that they do so minimally:

From the Child Injury Safety and Prevention Committee, taking into account that the advantages of the use of these teethers are not demonstrated and that, instead, there is any doubt of their possible danger, we recommend, as long as we do not have more information, use them or do it in the most restricted way possible.

Experts also remind us that, although the pain of the dental rash can be bothersome in many children, there are numerous ways to relieve it, that it is a normal evolution in the child's growth and that, usually, it is not a pain unbearable.

In this sense, we remember that in the blog we have wondered if it hurts when your teeth come out, since the pediatricians themselves doubt it. Moreover, they question how someone can squeeze where they feel the most pain (isn't it that they like to suck and bite and do it with anything?).

In this way, if what we want is to bite, to calm the pain, to calm down or simply to explore, we better do it with traditional teethers, just in case the possible injuries that these vibrating bites could cause.

Video: I Felt Comfortable - I137 (May 2024).