Decalogue of prevention and education on the risks of alcohol consumption in minors

The "National Agreement on the consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors" is a document prepared by the Ministry of Health in Spain, in collaboration with various agencies. Here it is exposed the decalogue of prevention and education on the risks of alcohol consumption in minors, aimed at people involved in the education of adolescents.

How could it be otherwise, family and school play a fundamental role in the work of prevention and education, which must begin long before adolescence, as we saw when analyzing the announcement of the campaign "Talk to them today avoid a bad drink tomorrow. " But also advertising or producers and distributors have their place in this decalogue.

He Decalogue of prevention and education on the risks of alcohol consumption in minors part of a work platform where all the agents involved can compare points of view, work together and take collaborative actions to avoid any type of consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors.

These are the goals signed by, among many others, entities such as the Red Cross or the Spanish Association of Primary Care Pediatrics (AEPap):

  • Avoid any advertising or commercial promotion that directly relates the consumption of alcoholic beverages to social or sexual success, with the improvement of physical performance or that expressly induces alcohol consumption by minors or offers a negative image of abstinence or of sobriety, or underlines as a positive quality of a beverage its alcoholic content.

  • Involve the media, social networks and especially television media, in relation to the advisability of information on the harm of alcohol consumption by minors and that of establishing control measures to prevent advertising and promotion from targeting minors , in the media or spaces aimed at this audience.

  • Provide resources to families and social environments of the child to increase the perception of the risk associated with alcohol consumption by minors.

  • Stimulate self-regulation in this area among producers, distributors and retailers of alcoholic beverages.

  • Develop public education and prevention campaigns focused on avoiding alcohol consumption by minors, detecting risk factors and enhancing protection factors.

  • Educate in health habits and inform adequately, from all sectors, with special emphasis on the part of the public health and educational administrations, from an early age, on the consequences inherent to alcohol consumption in minors.

  • Design together with social educators and social agents programs for the prevention of alcohol consumption in minors in the school environment.

  • Promote healthy lifestyle habits and the practice of sport, as well as creative and artistic activities. Promote and publicize the public offer of leisure activities for minors (mainly sports and cultural) alternatives to alcohol consumption in the collective.

  • Cooperate among all the agents involved to promote responsibility and prevent illegal marketing practices for minors.

  • Design strategies and work plans with the objective of establishing zero alcohol consumption among minors.

As we see, this Decalogue of prevention and education on the risks of alcohol consumption in minors It includes understands that the responsibility for the control of the situation rests with society as a whole. We, as parents, can begin by educating our young children about what is often accepted as a normal social habit.

Official Site | Ministry of Health Photo | bredgur on Flickr-CC On Babies and more | Criticisms of a cava for children, The attraction to alcohol in adolescence, programmed from the womb, A study suggests that babies in gestation acquire a taste for alcohol

Video: Catholic Church sexual abuse cases. Wikipedia audio article (July 2024).