Recommended toys for each age: from one to two years

We have started a new section for next Christmas to help you choose the most appropriate gifts for each age. We have already talked about the recommended toys for babies from 0 to 12 months and now we will take care of Recommended toys for children one to two years old.

Toys are entertainment, but they are also tools to discover things about the world around them. Through them children also learn, experiment and try to imitate the elderly.

After the first year, the child begins to acquire more power and muscles to take his first steps, if he has not done so far. Therefore, toys that help you stand up and start walking are ideal.

In Babies and more Recommended toys for each age: from 0 to 12 months

What toy to buy from a child between one and two years old?

Toys with buttons and sound

The one-year-old child is able to solve simple problems, and is becoming more and more autonomous. He loves toys with buttons to tighten and produce sound. He is already aware that what he does produces an effect and is able to memorize simple series.

VATOS Toys for Babies for 1 ~ 4 years old Boys and Girls Toys for Young Children with Tracking Balls Light Conversation and Music Early Educational Electric Toys TrainIn Amazon for € 34.99

For example:

Travel toys

The main characteristic of children of this age is that the ability to move on their own opens them an interesting world to discover. Everything becomes a great field of exploration so we must provide them with toys that allow them to experiment.

Those toys that help you take your first steps or consolidate them, such as corridors and walkers. The taca-taca in all its variants (those of pushing or sitting, not the walkers in which the baby is placed inside) will help you to get up and move from one side to the other.

In Babies and moreThe 17 best Christmas gift toys recommended for babies from zero to three years old

There are wooden with blocks inside to create shapes, there are correpasillo type with lights and sounds and a lid on the seat to store things, and there are also in the form of a triangle with wheels and a panel with activities. There are shopping carts and baby carriages, although these are lighter and can cause you to lose your balance if you still do not walk well alone. Anyway, you can go through a toy store and look at all the variants there are.

Once you stand firm, you will have fun drag toys with whom you can play while walking.

Legler - First Step Cart Cubes (2695) On Amazon for € 42.14

For example:

Building blocks and fittings

His new skills allow him manipulate objects and construction pieces with greater dexterity, through which they acquire basic notions for the understanding of the world around them. They begin to acquire spatial concepts such as volume, large-small, high-low, short-long, geometric shapes, as well as acquiring some more complex notions such as balance, symmetry or resistance.

Suitable for this stage are handling and construction toys such as cubes, fittings, large construction pieces. They are still the most interesting activity tables and "first computers", phones, pianos or any type of toys with buttons and sounds. Also toys that fit and stack, as well as toys that get hooked and skewered.

Lewo Wooden Rainbow Stacked Game Learning Toy Geometry Building Blocks Educational toys for children baby On Amazon for € 17.99

For example:

Soft toys or interactive toys

Do not forget the stuffed animals or interactive toys They talk, sing and dance. They love them, and more if it's their favorite characters. Puppies that walk, stuffed animals that speak and teach them their first words

VTech - Lola Bear, Interactive Teddy, Pink (3480-194522) On Amazon for € 29.66

For example:

Manipulative books and paintings

The books They are always a success. They begin to incorporate concepts, so those that give names to the drawings and are perfect manipulative books that allow them to feel different textures, open flaps ... Preferably, hard sheets.

They start with the first drawings, so it's also a good idea to buy them some age-appropriate paints. There are special fat waxes for their little hands and that can be easily cleaned, you know that the little ones see everything as a large canvas.

My first book-puzzle. Words (Spanish - From 0 Years - Manipulatives (Books to Play and Play), Pop-Ups - Other Books) On Amazon for € 16.10

For example:

These are some of the Recommended toys for children between one and two years old. We will continue talking about the most suitable toys for each age so you can get this Christmas right with the gifts of your kids. Next week, toys for children from two to three and three to four years.

Video: TOP 10 BEST TOYS FOR 2-YEAR-OLD BOYS Educational great FUN toy ideas. Beau's Toy Farm (May 2024).