Australia pays families to vaccinate children

One in ten five-year-old Australian children does not have all vaccines in the vaccine calendar and it seems that this is a problem for the Australian government, which has decided pay families to vaccinate their children.

The compensation they will be given is $ 2,100, which only those children who have completed the six existing vaccination stages will receive. Those children who do not get vaccinated will not receive that money.

This payment will be given to all families, regardless of their income, and will be divided into three payments of $ 726 that will be given when children are 12 months and two and five years old.

In total calculations, it is estimated that 11% of five-year-old Australian children do not have all the vaccines on the official calendar and the government has decided to increase vaccination rates by rewarding parents who vaccinate their children and informing them with a Health campaign that promotes vaccination.

In Spain it seems that this measure is receiving good criticism among the medical sector (pediatricians, to be more exact), without entering into ethical and social issues, but simply observing the measure as a probably effective way of making children better vaccinated .

It is clear that a similar measure will never come here, basically because we are the country where families receive less aid from Europe, and that we have unfortunate birth rates. Well, if they don't help to have children, you'll tell me why they were going to pay for something that the majority of the population already does “free”.

With respect to the measure, each one who thinks. It seems good to me, what do you want me to say, because it is a plus that is offered to families for something they were already doing and those who did not do it because of neglect or forgetfulness, that there are, because they will pay more attention to the subject. Those who by conviction do not vaccinate their children, because simply they will not receive money that they do not receive now. Discrimination? Yes, I suppose so ... but as we have said many times, not vaccinating children puts everyone's health at risk. You say (on the track, which is Miguel Jara's blog, they think very differently from me, in case you want to read the news from another perspective).

Video: Australia gets tough on vaccinations (May 2024).