Tales of Perrault in the Miguel de Cervantes virtual library

The other day we commented on resources on the Internet to read history content with a focus on spellings and illustrations. It is still a way to show children that at home or in the classroom they can access content of interest. This time We present the Tales of Perrault, written by Charles Perrault.

This is a microfilming work carried out by the National Library based on the work Collection of the best authors, ancient and modern, that cost 50 cents of peseta in the year 1892. On the page you can access a lot of Perrault's works, all of them original and without any concession, that is, the wolf eats grandma and little red riding hood.

The list of works that can be accessed They are: Riquet el del Copete, Little Red Riding Hood, The Fairies, Bluebeard, The Sleeping Beauty of the Forest, Micifuz the one with the boots, Cinderella or the dwarf slipper, Pulgarito, Donkey Skin, The shrewd princess or the adventures of Picarilla, Griselidis .

I have been looking at more content on the page and although I have found a Children's Virtual Cervantes Library I have not been able to identify more content to mention here. I leave the link below in case someone finds more valuable content.

In my opinion, the presentation work carried out by this Library is very different compared to what we mentioned at the beginning of Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala in which in addition to the book you could access written content, an index that facilitates navigation and a system Access page by page. In this case, the Cervantes Library, even doing a good job, does not reach the excellence of the Danish Library.

It will be very interesting for children to see how old books now occupy their space, in the form of microfilmed, on the Internet. It is a matter of time that these contents are accessible in electronic books that will help to encourage reading, research and stimulate the curiosity of the little ones.