How to take care of the feeding of the sports children?

We have talked many times about how the practice of some sport can be beneficial in children, we said a few months ago that it can improve cognitive performance, and not so long ago that it is also suitable for allergic and asthmatic children. Our advice on sports practice has included a list of the reasons for the little ones to approach the sport and also approaches to the choice of the activity to be carried out.

Since in his day we brought a post about the best drink for kids who play sports recreationally: water versus sports or energizing, today we want to offer some indications that are related to the feeding in sports children. Although the truth is that the best recommendation we can offer is that if you need any professional advice you should contact your pediatrician or nutritionist.

When the children have already chosen their sport and are acquiring practice, the exhibitions or competitions arrive, the time spent is greater and the physical requirements increase. Parents care about equipment, club fees, tournament registrations, etc. There is nothing that can be left to chance.

However, if we do not take care of the diet and hydration of the child athlete, we are not worrying about the most important, because the real help begins inside their bodies. An insufficient contribution of the most important nutrients will affect the practice of sport and also your health.

The nutrition of children who play sports

Athlete children need food that includes proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins, also fats They don't cost much to find (meats, dairy, oils, some nuts). A varied diet is the key for children to get what their bodies need, and the intensity of some sports practices (many hours of training, travel, etc.) should not be at odds with proper food preparation.


I know that sometimes it can be difficult to offer adequate meals if on Saturdays they must be practicing at 2 pm and on Sundays they play at 12.30, but at least the children will have breakfast and dinner at home, so that we can take care of the contributions of different nutrients

If there are two important minerals in the diet of sports children, these are calcium and iron, you know without the first the bones will not be strong enough, and without the second they will tire more easily. When children remain very active they lose iron through sweat, but to replace it, supplements are not necessary, since it is present in meats, eggs, legumes, green leafy vegetables and whole grains.

Calcium is obtained mainly from milk and its derivatives, eggs, nuts and some vegetables such as chard or broccoli.

Under what conditions should the child reach training or competitions?

Ideally it should be well hydrated and keep in mind that you will have to drink water every 20 minutes even if you are not thirsty. It will also have been fed an hour and a half (or two) before the start of the activity. And of course you will be rested to successfully face the effort, and we will ensure that you are motivated.

At this point we must pay attention to the number of weekly hours dedicated to sports, to better adjust the nutrition of children.

Nothing to do special diets to gain or lose weight, or follow a diet recommended by friends without consulting with the parents and the pediatrician. Children who play sports do not have to place special emphasis on any of the nutrients (more protein or carbohydrates) to avoid deficiencies, on the contrary families will seek a balanced contribution from all of them.

Neither will drink soft drinks, nor skip any of the five daily meals.

Always remember that children's health is always much more important than their success playing sports.

Video: Feeding, Dressing, Washing And Putting Kids To Bed Is A Never Ending Battle! Michael McIntyre (July 2024).