Differences between school and life

I would like to propose to you to discuss the most modern and effective learning model. I bring you this message so direct and colorful from Unlearning School that clearly exemplifies one of the differences between school and life I think it should be avoided.

At school the contents are divided by compartmentalized subjects, and, although in theory you can work with transversal projects and it is about working skills and contents of other areas, in the end, the result is that students end up receiving knowledge as if it came in sealed capsules and not in a way related and natural.

Actually, and especially in Primary, it is unnecessary to separate the contents into closed subjects. Everything in life is in contact with everything and we can acquire knowledge globally.

And, in my experience as an educator, it is also feasible to do that in High School working in the center of the student's interest and for freely chosen projects, counting on the advice of a good tutor who respects natural learning and respects the individuality of the student.

This reminds me of a video in which the great Professor Asimov explained how children should learn in the future (that is, today, because the video had a few decades). Too bad that, to a large extent, the prophetic faculties of the great scientist and writer failed on this occasion.

The school must resemble lifeIn fact, it should be based on the forms and systems that "real" life has, where we choose what we learn, discover by interest and move flexibly in environments and groups. Or, at least, it is what it should be. Instead of watertight boats, a great waste of color and creativity in which all colors are mixed.

Video: Difference Between School & College Life (July 2024).