Children and use of electronic screens: tips to take care of your visual health

Experts have long been warning that Prolonged use of smartphones and tablets is damaging our visual health, especially that of the little ones. Not surprisingly, recent research talks about 20 percent of myopic children before they turned seven, due to the time they spend in front of the screens.

For this, and for many other reasons, parents should limit the use of such devices in childhood to the maximum, in addition to taking into account a series of measures so that the screens do not adversely affect the health of their eyes.

Screen filters

A recent study carried out by the Complutense University of Madrid ensures that the screens of electronic devices emit up to five times more short-wave light highly harmful to the eyes. In fact, they point out that prolonged exposure to LED screens could damage the retina irreversibly.

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Children and adolescents are the most vulnerable population, as their lens is still developing and does not filter light efficiently. Therefore, it is common that after a while in front of the screens they experience itchy eyes or eyestrain. In the long run, this could lead to a significant loss of vision.

Therefore, just as we use approved sunglasses to protect them from sun rays, it is essential to use a filter or eye shield on the screen, which not only helps to reduce the symptoms of visual fatigue, but also to prevent the risks of cell death. of the retina

Light and brightness settings

But in addition to the use of approved filters it is important to adjust the brightness of the screens at the time of the day we are in. In this way, at night we must reduce the brightness to the maximum, since the blue light emitted by the screens causes macular degeneration, an irreversible eye disorder that slowly destroys central and acute vision.

It should also be remembered that the use of screens during the night is one of the main enemies of children's sleep, affecting circadian rhythms, and the quantity and quality of hours of rest, being able to cause significant sleep disorders.

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Keep distance and rest your eyes

Experts also advise that to prevent the eye from adjusting and beginning to suffer fatigue, the child should place the screen at a distance greater than 35 cm, as well as increase the font size and icons, and rest your eyes every 20 minutes of use.

In addition, remember that the American Pediatric Association does not recommend its use in children under 18 months, and up to five years should be limited to one hour a day.

Although the introduction in the daily life of these devices is inevitable and brings many advantages, it also entails inconveniences if they are not used correctly, so it is essential to follow the advice of experts and control the time of use.

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Video: How Media & Technology Affects Children. Child Development (May 2024).