Do you want to attend a breastfeeding meeting without leaving home?

When a mother is breastfeeding her baby one of the most useful things she can do is go to breastfeeding meetings and workshops. You can share your doubts and concerns with other mothers and receive help from a lactation consultant. But it is not always possible to travel with a small child and that is why this initiative seems very interesting, because it offers you the possibility of attend a breastfeeding meeting without leaving home.

This virtual breastfeeding workshop It is organized by the pharmacist and lactation consultant Pilar Martínez from the Maternity Continuum blog, and it is completely free. You only need to register here to access.

This first Virtual Breastfeeding Workshop Maternity Continuum It will be next Sunday, July 22 at 5:00 p.m. (Madrid time) and all the moms and dads they want can participate.

As the personal meetings will begin with an introduction of the lactation consultant and then, in turns, the participants introduce themselves, explain the ages of their children and their experience with breastfeeding, sharing a concern, a reflection, their doubts or a joy.

Everyone can give their opinion and offer their support to the other participants. Experts who explain issues related to breastfeeding, parenting or complementary feeding can also participate. The workshops are not recorded to preserve the privacy of the participants but the exhibitions of the experts may be recorded.

The truth is that when I nursed my baby, the breastfeeding meetings I attended were decisive in order to solve doubts and problems. If they had not existed, I would not have been able to maintain breastfeeding, but, had I been able to attend, in addition, virtually, I would not have missed it. Therefore, to breastfeeding moms or those who plan to do so, I recommend this virtual breastfeeding workshop that can be attended from home.

Official site | Maternity Continuum
In Babies and more | Online oral health workshop for parents, Breastfeeding workshops for twins, triplets or more, Monographic breastfeeding course in Madrid

Video: Should Mothers Be Bribed to Breastfeed? Good Morning Britain (June 2024).