And after doing the crafts at home we went to sell it to the market with great success

My daughter the other day was encouraged to do a craft that she called Love friends. These were small human-shaped cutouts made of felt and colored with markers of various colors. He was also encouraged to make them a piglet to collect them and be able to carry them together. I was thinking, I think, that they could be collected and changed. It also occurred to him that he could make dresses for them to exchange between the dolls.

And so it occurred to us that we could go to try to sell them to see the response of the customers and see if the product had a tour. So we took a dishcloth, some stones to hold the dolls and the wind did not take them and my daughter made a sign that indicated the price of the Love Friends. It was a symbolic price of 10 euro cents that we left located in a strategic area of ​​the rag to get the attention of potential buyers. And we place ourselves in a space in a town street market that floods the villages of the Sierra de Madrid in summer.

And so people started to pass. We were a little worried if we were going to get noticed by some bureaucratic procedure that we had skipped, thankfully that nothing happened in the end and they let us sell without incident.

We left my daughter, two friends and I who tried by all means to go as unnoticed as possible although I tried to offer them some security and rationality. We were there for a little while because it was very hot and because people stopped walking through the market. The truth is that you realize the amount of things that must be taken into account to make a sale and try to take advantage of the experience to learn to the fullest.

For example, we did not have any currency in the event that potential buyers had asked us for change, we also did not have payment by card although that were major words, we realized that if we made a little noise of the type: We only have three left! people paid attention, we also discovered that at the slightest question or interest was fundamental answer and anticipate the next question, for example: what is that ?, they told us, and my daughter answered, they are little dolls for children to play! Next week I will make them dresses to put them on sale too! And above all we discover that the sales process requires patience, dedication and that if it is not sold nothing happens.

Although the experience was a success. Of the six love friends that are intuited in the image, five were sold. We only had one left and we failed because people were barely passing at that time. Our clients were mostly mothers and grandmothers who were delighted with the product, the self-confidence of the girls and the enthusiasm they put on the sale. Another lesson we learned was that although the production effort was basically from my daughter, however, all the children collaborated in the sale process so earnings were distributed equally among the three vendors. Some shopper tipped them! So they raised the chilling figure of 120 cents that they distributed and invested in sweets. What a better reward for your effort!