Back to school can also affect asthma

There are many diseases that lurk in the return to school, and these days we have known that childhood asthma has a special role at this time. And is that a quarter of childhood hospitalizations for asthma coincide with the return to school.

Between 20 and 25% of childhood hospitalizations caused by asthma occur in September and October, when more viruses circulate at the onset of the cold and when some children accuse school stress.

Therefore, experts point out the importance of controlling respiratory disease when the first symptoms appear, or, even before they do, at the beginning of school, if the children have had asthmatic crises in previous years in September or October.

An asthmatic child may miss school at least three days each time a crisis occurs, so it is important to control the disease and it would also be advisable to better inform teachers about asthma, so that they know how to cope with a crisis if they are presented .

On the other hand, it should be remembered that physical activity is not incompatible with childhood asthma, as long as the patient is well controlled. This means that sometimes the worsening of the disease can be given by the practice of intense physical exercise, which is often resumed precisely with the return to school.

For this reason, experts advise not to perform intense physical activity when asthma is poorly controlled or if you have any other respiratory disease, in addition to avoiding, as far as possible, dry and cold environments.

Other places to avoid are those where there is smoke, luckily in schools there is no longer that problem ...

In short, as Back to school coincides with a high hospitalization of children with asthma, it is advisable to control the children who suffer from the disease and be alert if we observe new symptoms.

Video: Allergens in school could affect asthma symptoms (July 2024).