After Wally ... Where is the meerkat?

The meerkat (or meerkat) is a small mammal, a member of the mongoose family, that inhabits the Kalahari and Namib desert region in Africa. Become familiar with their appearance, because it is the successor of the famous Wally of red and white striped hat and t-shirt.

"Where is the meerkat?" it's a book with crowded pages of people among whom this nice animal hides. The Meerkat family goes on adventures around the world and we see them in Paris, in the pyramids of Egypt, the Great Wall of China, New York ...

On each page, apart from learning curiosities about different places in the world, there are ten very funny characters, ten members of the Meerkat family, and many other things, up to 300 objects to find in the book.

Its format and design follow the same aesthetics of the successful search books "Where is Wally?" and the book also includes cards with educational content. It has been a publishing success in the United Kingdom and is already going to conquer other countries.

A great way to encourage the observation and concentration of the smallest, playing to find the indicated figures. This kind of games children like very much, my daughters are very entertaining looking for Teo in a book of similar characteristics, with very entertaining scenes.

The book "Where is the meerkat?" is from the Oniro publishing house, in Planet of Illustrated Books, it has 48 pages to entertain you and costs 9'95 euros. Children from the age of three will have a great time with the Meerkat family.

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Video: Rooky, Molly The Wally Versus The Minging Meerkat! (July 2024).