Plant seeds with children, much more than just the sowing gesture

It's been a couple of months since we moved out of the house and after opening the last box (finally), I decided it was time to give a touch of color to "our first terrace" (never before had my own) buying plants and flowers. I thought to go to a garden center It would be a great activity to do with children and I got down to work. With the help of my twenty-seven month old son, we chose plants, flowers and seeds to take us home. Today I will give you a little guide on how to plant seeds with children.

Plants fill our house with colors and smells, They provide us with well-being and joy, as well as oxygen. They bring our children naturally to the cycle of the seasons. In addition, we can grow edible medicinal plants and species and take advantage of the benefits they have on our health.

Flowers and plants, bring us closer to the magic of life, a child who lives in the city, barely perceives seasonal changes, growing and caring for plants at home will make them marvel and enjoy nature. Children will hallucinate seeing how a beautiful flower can come out of a small seed.

Letting children get involved with house plants and flowers, they will learn to be patient. In the garden where we went, the largest in Catalonia, there were hundreds and hundreds of types of plants, flowers, seeds, trees, spices, vegetables ... My son was hallucinated, he wanted to touch and smell absolutely everything he saw, he hid among the plants, looking for insects ... The truth is that I never thought that taking it to this site would be so fun for everyone.

Many families, when they don't know what to do on a Saturday afternoon, decide to go all together (grandmother, great-aunt, second cousin and dog included) to a mall (to say something). There are things I do not quite understand ... why go to a place full of people, lights, noise and people in a hurry instead of going to places with a smell of nature, with relaxing green tones, smells that make smiles ...? I just do not get it. If the question is to go to kill time with childrenI recommend you do what my son and I have done one afternoon this week.

And now we are going to what I want to teach you today: how to plant seeds with children.

If you do not know anything about flowers, plants or seasonal changes, surely in the place where you go to buy they give you some advice. We bought violet seeds, the saleswoman told me that they would be the ones that would flourish before if we planted them now in October.

Material needed to plant flowers at home

  • Flower pot
  • Land with fertilizer
  • Flower seeds
  • Vaporizer with water

How to sow

  1. We fill the pot with the soil, foresee that if you do it with your child, it is more than likely that half of the earth will end up in the soil. Nothing happens, it is part of the game. Remember that whenever you do activities of this type with children you must arm yourself with patience, for you it may be something serious but for them it is fun (especially if they are still small, as is my case).
  2. We spread some seeds (not many, with three or four will suffice).
  3. We cover the seeds with another layer of soil.
  4. Instead of watering the earth, what we will do is pulverize it. If we water it, it is possible that the soil in the top layer will remain hard and the seed cannot appear and bloom. To moisten the earth we will use a vaporizer with water. My son was excited to use his Hello Kitty shower, but the ideal is to spray.
  5. We will spray the earth at least 3 times a day until the flower has sprouted. Then according to the type of flower but more or less every 2 or 3 days or when the earth begins to dry.
  6. We must be careful not to pour too much water, if we do, the roots will drown.
  7. Now we only have to wait a few days for the seed to grow, and a few months for the flower to come out ... we will wait patiently and with great enthusiasm.

Video: Preschool Learn to Dance: Can You Plant a Bean (May 2024).