'Fireflies in paradise': a story about Adam and Eve explained to a girl who can't sleep

'Fireflies in paradise' It is published in the collection 'My favorite stories' of blue train (Edebé publishing house) and is a very entertaining book for children over three years.

Its protagonists are Adam, Eve and the fireflies, though (of course) there is also a snake, an apple, and many animals ... almost all that a small child can imagine. It is written by Mariasun Landa and illustrated by Tesa González, and presents us with a scenario in which the happy couple lives very happily in Paradise, and they love each other so much that they promise to give each other an animal, whatever the loved one wishes.

The bright fireflies arrive at night to satisfy the wishes of Adam and Eve, and they become the animals that both like the most, with them a belt and a collar are made.

But not even in stories, beautiful things last a long time, so the snake appears, and well ... the rest we already know. Although we would like to know that in the darkness that precedes the expulsion from paradise, small beetles reappear to illuminate the path of the protagonists.

And now I can say it: the true star of the story, It is Elsa who cannot sleep, and to whom her mother tells 'Fireflies ...'

You will like it for sure, the story is very enjoyable and the illustrations very original and colorful.