What would you change in the school system if you were Minister of Education? the question of the week

As every Wednesday we will propose the question of the week, with a proposal for you, our readers, to share your answers. We will also review the question we asked you last week, compiling the most valued answers.

We are in a week in which a strike of families and students in all Spain has been called to protest against the cuts and the modifications that are going to be made to the educational laws. And that's why we want to ask you:

What would you change in the school system if you were Minister of Education?

I can think of many, but many things, and none seems to have occurred to those who must ensure the improvement of the Spanish school system.

Last week's question

Last week we asked you this: At what age do you think they can be home alone while you sleep in the morning?

The most valued response has been that of Alicia Navarro:

I do not know. I guess not before he lets me sleep in the morning. But as soon as he wakes up he starts “Mom, tit! Tit tit tit! Hello hello mom, tit! Dad, dad, play! Mom teta teta tetaaaaa! ” And for that you first have to let me sleep at night. He still wakes up several times at night. Not as many as before, and I fall asleep right away. But at about five or six o'clock he takes a very long shot of more than an hour and I reveal myself. It's hard for me to go back to sleep, and when I'm getting it, he asks me for a tit again. And from that moment he constantly asks for a tit. I have been awake since 6 today. So I don't know how old I can be alone in the house while I sleep. It seems like an impossible dream (in the double sense of the word “dream.”) When I am twenty years old, maybe?

We leave you ready our question this week in the link of the Answers section and we remind you to answer in the section, so that other readers can rate it and collect it for next week.

Video: Prime Minister's Questions: 15 May 2019 - inequality, food poverty, climate change (July 2024).