'Feed yourself without gluten': a program to raise awareness about celiac disease in children with Down syndrome

Celiac disease (as with other autoimmune diseases) it is more frequent in people with Down syndrome, than in the general population.

That is why Down Spain and the Eroski Foundation have developed a complete program to raise awareness among families, professionals and children / youth with this syndrome. It is intended that all involved know what it means to be celiac, that acquire guidelines for good nutrition, and develop healthy nutrition habits.

75% of celiacs are unaware of being gluten intolerant and of those diagnosed, 75% are women and 20% are people over 60

The initiative is called 'Eat gluten free', and within the framework of the program are presented:

  • The guide it offers advice and reinforcement to people with Down syndrome, as to its surroundings. The contents are oriented to present support and offer information on adequate food.
  • Informative and didactic sheets: aimed at young people, are essential to understand the importance of healthy eating in good health.

  • A free application whose launch is scheduled for this month of December, and will be called 'Mazi Mazorco'.

According to Dr. Miguel Montoro, a doctor from the Gastroenterology Unit of the San Jorge de Huesca Hospital and a reference expert in the field of celiac disease in Spain, “In some countries up to 17% of people with trisomy 21 are celiac”.

Hence the importance of launching a pioneering project like the one at hand, which also includes informative and didactic workshops for young people and adults with Down syndrome.

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