'The essential in reproductive medicine', an interesting guide on reproduction

The current lifestyle has made reproductive medicine increasingly important. There are many doubts that are presented to couples who want to have children and do not get it, and to clear them can be very useful 'The essential in reproductive medicine', an interesting guide on reproduction.

It has been written by Dr. Isidoro Bruna, Director of the Reproduction Medicine Unit of the HM Montepríncipe University Hospital and Doctor Buenaventura Coroleu, Head of the Reproduction Medicine Service of the Dexeus University Institute of Barcelona, ​​together with 20 other expert professionals In reproduction.

They answer the most frequently asked questions on topics that interest couples, from fertility preservation, multiple pregnancy or repeat abortion, to the latest techniques and possible treatments.

The truth is that for various reasons such as sedentary lifestyle, increasingly late pregnancies and decreased sperm quality, between 15 and 18% of Spanish couples have sterility problems.

'The essentials in reproductive medicine' It is a practical guide, based on evidence, with a direct, concrete and concise design. While it is aimed primarily at reproductive medicine professionals on the issues that most concern patients, it is also a good help for the general public.

It talks about issues that interest couples such as how much to wait to consider the possibility of fertility treatment, what is the age limit for women, diet and exercise, and tobacco, coffee and alcohol as inconveniences, among other things.

Via | PR news More information | May editions