Pregnancy sought or by surprise?

One of the bad taste questions people usually ask when a couple announces that they are waiting for a baby is Pregnancy sought or by surprise?, twisting the gesture as if something did not add up.

It is usual especially when the brothers get a little age difference, or when they had not anticipated that they were on the search and suddenly zas, pregnant! Also in situations of economic difficulty or single mothers.

The truth is that it is a rather uncomfortable question when asked, and is usually accompanied by as distasteful as "has been by accident" or "escaped", as if a child was an accident or an oversight.

Every situation is a world

The theme of unplanned pregnancies It is very personal and delicate, and depends a lot on the particular situation of each couple, and how they decide to face it. Most of the time, even without having planned it and facing the most adverse situations, paternity is accepted over any difficulty.

I confess that my third pregnancy has been a surprise, not because I did not want to have another child, but because it came before I could start planning it. After the initial shock, which lasted no more than twenty minutes, I began to live the wait with the same enthusiasm with which I had received the news of my first two pregnancies, planned and sought.

I wanted to illustrate the post with the nice photo of the triplets you see above that I found hilarious. That yes that is a pregnancy with surprise, looking for one came three! The first baby wears a shirt that says "I have been planned", the second "I do not" and the third "Me neither."

And you, pregnancy sought or by surprise?

Now, I'm going to skip all the protocol rules and good taste to ask you, if you feel like answering me in the comments: In your case, pregnancy sought or by surprise?

Video: Pregnancy Surprise!! Perez Hilton (July 2024).