Christmas crafts with children: make yourself a crown of stars

Our children continue on Christmas holidays and look forward to the arrival of the Magi. Today I bring you another craft to do with Christmas-themed children that you can still take advantage of to welcome the Magi home.

This Christmas star wreath to make yourself, It is a craft with printed papers with which you can take advantage of recycled papers that you have at home, if you are one of those who keep the wrapping papers, this is a great option to recycle them, especially if they are those of Santa's gifts that Surely they carry Christmas motifs.

In Mummania they teach us step by step how to make this simple and original Christmas wreath using scrapbooking papers (or thick cardboard paper).

Material needed to make the Christmas wreath (adapted for children)

  • 6 papers of at least 160 gr (scrapbooking paper type) or 3 double-sided papers with Christmas motifs or of the Magi
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Cardboard or cardboard sheet pen
  • A round object of 27 cm and another of 18 (more or less) to serve as a template
  • Stapler
  • A ribbon
  • A piece of rope

How to make the Christmas wreath of stars

  1. First we will make the stars. For this we will need a template or some mold that we have at home (type large cookie mold). The star should be about 14 cm wide or so. In Google you can search for "star silhouette" and you will get several options that you can then print. We will use them to cut the papers. We have to make 12 stars. (If your children are small, you should help them with the scissors or use scissors of children without sharp points).
  2. We give volume with the ruler and mark with an object that has a tip but does not paint (it may be another rule, you can also use a pencil and then erase the marks although some ugly residue can always remain).
  3. With our hands we will shape the star over there where we have drawn the imaginary line.
  4. We cut the cardboard rounded using our templates (plates or any round object): 27 cm in diameter the outside and 18 cm inside.
  5. To glue the stars we can staple them to the cardboard.
  6. We tie a rope to the base of the crown and it is ready to hang on our door!
  7. You can make a small sign to hook on the base that says something like: Welcome Magi! or what happens to your children.