How many toys this Christmas are already cornered?

Have you been able to avoid the avalanche of toys this Christmas? Especially if it has not been possible, probably a toy is not giving the expected result and the child has already forgotten. How many toys this Christmas are already cornered?

A little more than a week of Kings and after half a month since Santa Claus came, many toys are abandoned, because he did not look forward to the child, because they have already exhausted their possibilities, because they do not adapt to their tastes or their age ...

There are many reasons for a child to corner a toy, and many could be avoided by giving away with moderation and common sense, attending to the interests and age of the child. But it is not always possible, and therefore we often see how the toy chest is filling and filling ...

There are options for these cornered toys not to end up in the trash. The first thing is that they should be saved for a season, to see if after a few months the children already show interest in it. Maybe the toy was not suitable for its age, or that at first it had other favorite toys and did not pay too much attention ...

It is a way of "rationing" the toys they receive at Christmas, which is recommended not only in the case of toys that have already left cornered. We have been doing it a couple of Christmas and the result is good.

If you have received too many gifts at Christmas, we can save some and give them to you on other occasions (at the end of the course, birthdays ...). This will make them enjoy them more and do not feel stunned or saturated with so much toy, because too many toys subtract illusion and there is nothing sadder than a child who feels no illusion when receiving a toy.

Of course, if after a few months the toys return to the drawer again and again, we have to accept that the Kings or Santa Claus were wrong and you have to think about giving them another end. We can recycle them and donate toys that they no longer use at home, there are many associations that collect toys and not only at Christmas.

Some charities that collect toys Through various campaigns are UNICEF, Caritas, Red Cross, Let me play or Messengers of Peace. Parishes, hospitals, nurseries ... may be other destinations, as long as the toys are in good condition and approved. Here we show you an interactive map of the places where you can donate toys in Spain.

We can also give those cornered toys to other children in the family or friends that we think are going to take advantage of and welcome them.

What children earn with fair toys

Measuring the gifts We are encouraging you to discover all the possibilities of the games and toys that you already have, that take care of you more, that you share and exchange with your friends and family, that stimulate your imagination to "take more advantage" of your toys.

Of course, we can help them and be partakers of these new perspectives for each toy, and add the best game time, the one that stimulates them the most, the one that doesn't need toys, the one that is based on having fun together.

By limiting the number of gifts we are also favoring children to accept those present with pleasure, to value what they have, to take care of it, to be responsible and to know the value of things. That they value being more than having, that they continue to have hope for what they do not have and can achieve, that they learn to be grateful.

I have commented before. There is nothing sadder than a child who no longer shows hope when receiving a gift. It makes me wonder what that child will look forward to, if he has everything (everything material) and how he will value precisely having and getting something.

I do not want to say that all children who have many gifts do not receive other attention and love, but, and with no intention of becoming dramatic, something has been lost if you don't show enthusiasm for a toy. Doesn't it happen sometimes that we give it our all even before they ask for anything? Maybe we should corner those toys before they do ...

Photos | Babasteve and JD Hancock on Flickr-CC On Babies and more | Pediatricians recommend giving away no more than three toys, What to do with toys that they no longer use, Past the Kings it's time to order toys