Disney Infinity is a video game that integrates elements and characters from all Disney creations

The other day I received an email from Disney presenting Infinity. I read it very late and almost in my dreams, so as I was seeing what appeared in the video I did not know if I was already dreaming or what I was seeing was real. And that is what Disney Infinity proposes is an integration of elements and characters from all Disney creations, yes, also Pixar. In the game you can use characters from their animated films, action movies and series. In the video or the presentation page of the game it is spectacular to see characters from The Incredibles, Phineas and Ferb, Pirates of the Caribbean, Tron, Nightmare before Christmas, etc.

Our Extra Life partners explain to us that the game will arrive on next summer of 2013, specifically, it goes on sale in June 2013 with a starter pack that will include the game, the Infinity base and three initial figures (Sully de Monstruos SA, Mr Incredible of The Incredibles and Jack Sparrow of Pirates of the Caribbean) for 74 , 99 euros.

In addition they also inform that the packs of figures may be to buy for 34.99 euros, the packs of three figures 29.99 euros, the loose figures 12.99 euros and the disc packs with additional content for 4.99 euros. Disney Infinity will be available first to PC, PS3, Wii, Wii U and Xbox 360 and later it will reach touch devices such as tablets and phones.

When I saw the video it reminded me a lot of the Skylanders and the fantastic universe behind the magic portal. Surely the Disney proposal will triumph among the whole family with well-known characters and many of them also children's favorites.

In the comments of the article included in Extra Life remember that Disney has also bought the characters from Star Wars or Marvel, so it's a matter of time that we can also see these characters in the game consoles.

We will be attentive to the news of Disney Infinity although I can say that the proposal is sensational and promises to be a success in sales. We continue to see how transmedia is one of the goals of current creations and in that matter I think one of the key figures is John Lasseter who continues to contribute actively to the Disney universe.

In Extra Life | Disney Infinity More information | Infinity Disney