Workshops and children's concerts to celebrate spring in Gijón

Botanical Garden of Gijón - Spring

A few days ago the spring began and we want to celebrate it. What do you think about workshops to learn about the plants and fruits of this era, or a pop concert for children? Tomorrow Sunday March 24 we can find Children's workshops to celebrate spring in Gijón.

It is in the Atlantic Botanical Garden where the spring equinox is celebrated with children's workshops, a market-tasting of varied fruits, nuts, jams, juices ... and music for children.

  • The workshop "Playing with fruits" It will be from 11:30 to 12:30. The fruit tasting will include some difficult to find in stores, so it is a unique opportunity to be surprised. There will be a tour of the area of ​​"The Plant Factory" and the child can choose fruits directly from the tree, and there they will be liquefied and tasted.

  • "Like fruit for chocolate" (from 13 to 14 hours) also proposes a tour of "The Plant Factory", and at the end of it there will also be a tasting, in this case of natural fruit skewers with chocolate that will emanate from a source.

  • "The domino of fruits" (from 4 pm to 5.30 pm) proposes a tour of the fruit trees of the old and the new world, to discover their differences and many curiosities. At the end, all participants will play and take a fun game of dominoes.

  • Petit Pop music concert (from 17.30 to 18.30 hours). With the intention of bringing pop to children, this concert runs away from school didactic songs or adult pop away from children. Petit Pop combines a repertoire composed expressly for them with those independent pop songs that, due to their loudness and theme, can best connect with a children's audience. This is a participatory concert, in which children will have to get involved in the show so that it develops.

Registration for the first two workshops costs 6 euros and for the domino of fruits 4 euros. Fruit dominoes cost 4 euros. The concert, for all audiences, is included in the price of the entrance to the Botanist (adult: 2.90 euros; children under 12 enter free).

We hope you are encouraged to Celebrate spring in Gijón with these workshops and children's concerts Tomorrow Sunday, enjoying nature in a fabulous environment and at a time when all its splendor begins with the change of season.

Official Site | Botanic Gijón In Babies and more | Children celebrate World Environment Day, Delicious spring fruits, Spring stimulates children's senses