Take care of your children's eyes in spring

Spring has arrived and proof of this is that cars already have a thin layer of adhered pollen on top that warns allergy sufferers that from now on they should take precautions more than ever.

Some of the most common symptoms of children, when allergens begin to bother them, are those that have to do with their eyes, which are very sensitive and immediately react. That is why we will explain some measures to take care of your eyes in spring.

How allergy affects the eyes

Before going into the subject I want to comment on the most common symptoms. It is easy to know when the child is suffering from an allergic reaction because, in addition to looking visually (we see the most swollen eyes), they are bothered.

When a child comes into contact with an element that causes allergy the eyes react, although not always both, it can affect only one eye. The most typical reaction is the redness and the itching under the eyelids ("mama, pica l'ojo", children usually say while scratching), to which symptoms such as tearing, swelling of the eyelids, feeling of having something inside the eye, sensitivity to light can be added and rhinitis (better known as "runny nose").

Allergy treatment

As all these symptoms are the reflection of the body's reaction to contact with a substance that causes sensitivity (the body generates histamine), The most logical thing is not to treat the symptoms directly, but the allergy.

If the reaction is mild and is caused by pollen, or by contact (child allergic to something that has touched, which then scratches the eyes, causing the reaction), it may be sufficient to perform a small wash with physiological serum because “the dead The rabies is over, ”that is, once the allergen is removed from the eye, it begins to improve.

If instead the reaction is greater, and therefore more histamine has been released, it may be necessary to use some antihistamine medication or some eye drops. In this case, when the involvement is greater, it is advisable to go to the pediatrician to assess what is the most appropriate treatment at all times.

Prevention is key

As it is usually said, "prevention is better than cure", so the ideal when our child suffers episodes of allergic conjunctivitis and rhinitis is to find out which are the responsible allergens and eliminate or avoid them as much as possible.

The most common measures to prevent our children suffer allergies are:

    • Have the dust free house (and mites, accordingly), cleaning with the vacuum cleaner or with wet solutions, since dry cleaning (sweeping, with duster, etc.), we raise the dust, making them more accessible for everyone.
    • Avoid or eliminate all those items that store dust: stuffed animals, carpets, curtains (well, more than avoid them, wash them often, since in addition to dust they store pollen and other substances that come from outside), etc.
    • Avoid inside the house plants that have flower (because of pollen) and animals, because their hair produces allergies to many children (if the child is allergic to it, of course).
    • Wash the sheets of the children at least once a week (although in my house we do it equally, for hygiene reasons) and if the child is allergic to mites do it at high washing temperatures (more than 60ºC). The rest of the days, air the bed a little.
    • Vacuum the mattress (do not shake it) and use anti-dust covers for both the mattress and pillows (although it is not very clear that these covers do something for the owner).
    • When we change the closet clothes for the change of season, store it in plastic bags, to prevent them from accumulating dust, and keep the cabinets always clean, because even if they have doors, they accumulate dust.
    • When going out on weekends or on vacation, look for places with little vegetation, go out less in spring or autumn and on the windiest days wear glasses that can avoid allergen contact with the eyes.