Week 9 of pregnancy: it is already the size of a grape, about two and a half centimeters

We continue our journey through Pregnancy week by week, advancing one more week after having seen everything that happens in the 8th week of pregnancy. We are immersed in the second month, and we will discuss the characteristics of this week 9 of pregnancy.

It is a very special and magical moment because after the first two months the mother relaxes and the awareness of being pregnant increases. Most have not yet told almost anyone but the desire to do so grows. Our baby grows inside us and we want time to pass very quickly.

The mother in week nine of pregnancy

Pregnancy in the ninth weekUsually, it is still not noticeable by other people. But the mother does notice. The belly is a little swollen and the breasts have increased their size and sensitivity. You may even notice it on your face, more round and with shiny skin.

Of course it is a time, too, in which many women suffer some inconvenience and discomfort: dizziness, tiredness, a lot of sleep and vomiting. We have to listen to our body and not hesitate to take the breaks that it asks.

Of course, we must be aware that, although normal pregnancy is not a disease, we deserve to rest and take care of ourselves. First, for him physical and emotional well-being of the small being that is growing within us, and second, also, for ourselves, that we are doing a very important job, the most important, perhaps, of our whole life.

Mother's health should be a priority and the basis is proper nutrition. You have to eat healthy and balanced. Eliminate processed products with added sugar, saturated and trans fats and excess salt. Watch that we are taking enough fresh fruits and vegetables, calcium and quality protein. Avoid soft drinks and, of course, alcohol and tobacco.

To better carry the gastric discomfort (gas and acidity) that can occur due to hormonal changes and the modification of the position of our internal organs, eating slowly, chewing well, with fresh and not very spicy foods is very important, as It is also to distribute meals in five or six daily intakes, instead of making two abundant meals.

It's time, if you haven't done it yet, consider yourself go to the dentist to make a review In pregnancy the chances of dental problems increase and it is important to prevent them, maintaining proper hygiene and visiting the specialist. We must be attentive to inflammation of the gums, bleeding or dental pains, without obsessing ourselves, but as another measure of the necessary care of our body.

We shouldn't feel bad for needing take care and rest. It is something that every pregnant woman should remember, because sometimes we feel the external pressure of maintaining an excessive rhythm. The limit must be set by you and if you need to lie down, take a walk, rest you should be able to do it, either at home or at work.

Embryo development in week nine of pregnancy

The embryo in week nine of pregnancy It continues to develop, change and grow. It is already the size of a grape, about two and a half centimeters. Very small yet for us to notice but for him, the growth is vertiginous. The tail at the end of the back disappears: our son is increasingly looking like a human being.

The embryo can already move even if it does so involuntarily. The development of your nervous system increases and sometimes, as I told you, the embryo is not there anymore, but it can be detected that it trembles. Your brain does not control these movements, but they are spasms that indicate that it is forming connections correctly.

In the ninth week of pregnancy It is not yet possible to distinguish with an ultrasound if it is a boy or a girl, but the truth is that they have already begun to form their sexual organs. If you decide that you want to know before birth you have to wait a little longer and now concentrate on sending a lot of love to our son and feel calm, taking care of us with care.

The eyelids will be formed, which will remain closed until week 26. The shape of your ears is also becoming clearer and the structuring of the ear inside begins. And also his heart and lungs continue their development.

The ossification continues at the top of the embryo quickly. We observe that the head is taking shape clearly: we can see the eyes, dark, on the sides of the head but little by little they will migrate to their frontal position, nose, ears and even the upper lip are distinguished.

The head no longer looks so large compared to the rest of the body and the ribs and bones of the face will begin to form. Its extremities are formed and the elbows, knees and tiny toes are already visible.

The small embryo continues to grow and develop at full speed in the week nine of pregnancy and in this third month of pregnancy that begins it will still amaze us more. We continue to discover everything about pregnancy week by week.

Next week: week 10 of pregnancy

Photos | The multidimension Human Embryo
In Babies and more | Pregnancy week by week: from conception to birth

Video: Inside Pregnancy: Weeks 1-9. BabyCenter (July 2024).