Teeth Exit: Ten Frequent Questions About Baby Teething

The exit of the baby's first tooth is a moment expected by all parents but also sometimes feared, due to myths related to this stage of development. Here you We solve ten frequent doubts about the baby's teething.

When do the first teeth come out? Will teething hurt? When should you brush your teeth and how? These are some of the most frequent questions we ask parents at some time or another. Next we will try to reveal all the "secrets" of teething.

When does the baby get the first tooth?

The age at which the baby's first tooth appears is very variable, although we can say that the teething process usually begins between the sixth and eighth month of life. This process ends between 20 and 30 months, although there may be exceptions. This means that some children take longer to get their teeth out and there will be others who are even born with a piece, although this is quite exceptional.

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In what order do the teeth come out?

The first teeth to emerge are the central incisors of the lower jaw, which are usually followed by the upper central incisors. It is followed by the two lower sides, the first molars, the canines and the second molars.

Does teething hurt?

One question that all parents ask ourselves is does it hurt when your teeth come out? It has also been asked by doctors and researchers and many conclude that there is no scientific evidence that teething hurts.

According to a report published in the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, common sense and experience prove otherwise: the exit of the teeth does not hurt, although it can bother the baby. The small inflammation that occurs is normal and physiological, we can sometimes observe redness of the gums. Some children seem to be more irritable and others do not notice the exit of the teeth.

Why do you drool so much?

Drooling can begin a few months before the teeth come out, but it usually coincides at this stage and that is why it has been frequently related. But drooling could be independent of the tooth rash, not a consequence of it. Sucking, biting ... are processes that are learned within a few months and that carry with them the effect of drooling since the swallowing reflex is quite immature (and newborns barely produce saliva, but when the months go by it increases).

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Can the baby have a fever?

The authors of the article published in the AEP that we have mentioned above and other more recent studies also choose to consider that fever is not a consequence of teething or a symptom of the exit of the teeth.

If any febrile process occurs at this stage, another cause must be sought and treated. We talked about the fact that the child has more than 38 C of fever, so it is a sign of illness, regardless of the exit of the teeth.

Are bites useful?

Teethers can help children explore with their mouths, so that they feel those teeth that start to come out and even, if we admit that teething can bother them, to relieve pain if they are chilled teethers and numb the gums to some extent or reduce inflammation a little. They must be safe and free of toxic components such as bisphenol-A.

But it makes no sense to apply pressure in a place where it hurts, so there is no scientific evidence that bites serve anything else in relation to the tooth rash. Nor are gels or sprays recommended to relieve teething.

When do you have to start brushing your teeth?

Oral hygiene can begin even before the first tooth leaves (with a soft damp cloth gently on the gums) so that when teething begins we don't have to stop doing it. And with more reason, since, as we will see in the following point, the little ones can develop cavities. We leave you some tips to take care of the baby's teeth, for when they grow a little, how to encourage them to brush their teeth.

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Can tooth decay come out of baby teeth?

Yes caries can come out on baby teeth, infant caries is very frequent and even when they are babies there may be what is called "bottle caries", so do not neglect oral hygiene from the beginning of teething and prevent the child from being in contact for a long time with the nipple and drinks with sugar in the mouth.

That is, when there are teeth in the oral cavity, these can be affected by the bacteria that cause tooth decay and therefore brushing is already essential. When cavities appear in early childhood, opaque white spots are formed that progress rapidly and severely, causing great damage to the child's mouth, and even the loss of the tooth can occur. To prevent tooth decay you can use a toothpaste specific for young children: we see it in the next section.

Should we use toothpaste at first?

As we saw recently, fluoride is important to prevent tooth decay. Between six months (or when the first teeth come out) and two years the European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends brushing twice a day with a specific toothpaste.

This cannot be like that of adults because of the risk of fluorosis. Pasta for children under two years must have a concentration of 500 ppm. of fluoride and we will put in the brush the amount similar to a pea. After two years a paste with 1000 ppm can already be used. of fluoride

How do you brush the first teeth?

We have already advanced that, before the teeth come out, we can clean it from time to time gently, with a damp cloth, the gums to the baby, so that he becomes accustomed to the manipulation of the area.

Once you have the first teeth we can continue cleaning them with a damp cloth but it is recommended, if the complementary feeding is already established, use a special children's brush, small and with very soft bristles, to better remove the remains.

This is especially important after 18 months, which is approximately when the first molars come out, in which food debris can accumulate. It agrees brush your teeth two or three times a day, paying special attention to the moment before going to bed at night.

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We have already talked about the type of toothpaste that is recommended, but what we have not emphasized is in another important point, that when they are babies we are not worried (they obviously do not have the capacity to wash them) but that as soon as they grow it can affect to your dental health: children do not have to brush their teeth alone but with our help and supervision, at least up to seven years.

Anyway, we hope to have cleared the ten most frequent doubts about teething baby, an unforgettable, physiological and natural moment, but about which we always have questions to ask ourselves ...

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Video: Teething in Babies and Related Questions. बचच क दत नकलन. Sehat Funde (July 2024).