Take your Pet Shop collection anywhere with the free LPS mobile app

My daughter has passed me the application information of Little pet shop (LPS) for mobile devices. This is the result of the agreement reached by the Gameloft company with Hasbro, responsible for Little Pet Shop, to have an application related to the series. In the game the goal take care of pets, adopt and entertain them. In addition, the village must be created so that they have space and can live a normal life.

Among the curiosities of the game are that 150 pets can be adopted to collect, can be washed, fed and played with them. You have to build your homes and leisure areas to welcome and care for more pets and you can visit friends and find hidden objects in their villages. The game is free, although there are objects that must be bought with real money so it is advisable to monitor what the kids do with the application to reduce dislikes. The recommended age is from 3-4 years old.

The application can be downloaded and if you also have tokens from the Pet Shop collection inside Sweetest Littlest Pet Shop toys you can collect many more pets. The goal is to share it with friends and you can also complete the collection to get virtual prizes.