The boy who tells his mother that he doesn't want to eat animals, most commonly seen on YouTube

He is walking these days through social networks and internet pages in this video in which a child who explains to his mother, in front of the plate and after analyzing what he has put, He doesn't want to eat animals and why.

Apparently, his mother puts in front of him the food, rice, potatoes and octopus, and the boy becomes obstinate with that "octopus" sounds like an animal. After a few questions to know how an animal has been able to end up on his plate, and in the face of his mother's emotion, just not eat it.

The explanation given by the child is the following: he would like that the animals were alive, because to eat them you have to kill them and he wants that not to happen. Something like if I could not understand how we humans have been so macabre as to end up eating the precious animals.

Well, I do not say that your opinion does not have weight and that it does not have some logic, but if all the meals are going to end up being the same, with the child rejecting animals, the balanced diet is going to go windy, because rice With potatoes it is still a mixture of carbohydrates with carbohydrates.

I don't know if the child thinks that way because at home they also think similar about animals and what they wanted was to show us the child by giving their explanations, or if they eat animals normally at home and the child has decided to change his food strategy in respect for living beings.

I comment because if it is the first thing the child's health will not be in danger, because the parents will be informed of what foods they should offer the child so that not eating animals is not a detriment (you know, if they do not eat animals you must be aware that, among other components, iron and vitamin B12 should arrive from somewhere in the body, to avoid anemia). If it is the latter, then yes, it is very nice to not eat the animals, but either start eating them or hide them, or someone explains to you about the food chain and shows you how the tigers, lions and company feed , or even how the same fish do it, or the parents will have to do an intensive veganism to avoid health problems in the child.

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