Germs are not enemies: they help strengthen your immune system

We are used to thinking that the child must remain isolated from microorganisms to avoid infections, but germs are not enemies, contrary to what you might think they have a beneficial function for your health: help strengthen your immune system.

Children have to get dirty, they need to be in touch with the environment, because it is part of the learning they have to do in childhood. If we stop them, we take away their freedom.

Babies, especially when they begin to crawl and then walk, come into contact with all types of surfaces, which will logically be infected with bacteria, viruses and fungi, because you already know that these little bugs live with us, they are part of the environment. Then the baby puts his hand to his mouth and can enter his body, either through the pacifier or the nipple of the bottle ... finally there are hundreds of foci of bacteria in our daily lives.

But if we try to avoid them and turn our home into an aseptic space, instead of being benefiting our little ones, we are harming them, because excess hygiene weakens the immune system. Parents who do not become obsessed with cleanliness help the child develop a stronger and stronger immune system.

Nor do we talk about being dirty. Neither one nor the other. We must maintain reasonable hygiene such as removing the sticks, removing food scraps, keeping the house clean, but not pretending to turn it into a sterile place.

During the first months of the baby's life, it may be necessary to sterilize bottles and pacifiers, there are even discrepancies in this regard, but as soon as we see that the baby starts to put everything in his mouth, it doesn't make much sense.

The microorganisms serve to train and improve the functioning of the immune system. Of course it is important to know where the greatest danger is, but it is also important to be sensible and know that germs are not enemies.