Walking barefoot on the sand: experience, learning and health for babies and children

If there is something comparable to the rich sensations of walking on fresh grass, it is walking barefoot on the sand, an experience that fascinates babies and children, especially the first times they go to the beach.

Babies before walking will crawl, but they will also feel the tiny grains of soft, warm sand on such a soft layer of sand. Eye, because this is going to be a discovery ... they will also want to put it in their mouths.

But soon that curiosity will disappear to explore with sand the sand and they will crawl, to batter in it, to fill buckets, to walk, to run, to make castles and holes, to bury the legs ... and many other games in the sand of the beach.

Of course, there are no shoes that are worth in this situation. But, if there are studies that indicate that barefoot children are smarter (and happier), it is in the arena that a world of sensations that they will not obtain in other environments is enhanced.

Walking barefoot in the sand that does not burn (early in the morning or at sunset) is a great way to walk in summer. We are outdoors, it gives us a sun that does not burn, breathing by the healthy sea, doing a simple exercise and the sound of the waves relaxes us.

Research also suggests that children who have the possibility of walking barefoot on the sand have better structured feet than those who wear shoes continuously, as the foot is strengthened and the flat-foot structure that all young children have is improved. .

In fact, among the exercises that favor the strengthening of the musculature of the soles of the feet it is usually recommended to walk barefoot through the sand.

So there are one thousand and one reasons for children to walk barefoot on the sand, so that babies feel it on their hands and knees, without fear of staining and enjoying the beach.

Video: Walk Barefoot for 5 Mins a Day, See What Happens to Your Body (July 2024).