Summer recipes for kids: chicken and vegetable soup with noodles

Even if it's summer and it's hot, the soups are an excellent recipe for the dinners of the little ones of the house, because in addition to being a light but satiating food, it assures us that they will hydrate. That's why I want to teach you how to make a homemade chicken and vegetable soup with noodles They will love it.

If you have never made a homemade broth and you use those of tetrabrik or envelope soups, prepare to discover with fascination the world of flavor since any resemblance between them and a homemade soup is pure coincidence. And on top of that, we will save good money, as you will see now.

Children like soups and all the rite that comes with eating them, blowing the spoon, trying to eat them alone and bringing the spoon to their mouths without spilling anything along the way. You have only to see the photos of Neo enjoying a soup like the one in today's recipe.

Ingredients for 6 people

  • 2 chicken carcasses, 2 chicken thighs, 1 leek, 2 carrots, 1 large onion, 1 potato, 1 parsley branch, plenty of water, salt, cabbage noodles, and optionally, saffron threads.

How to make a homemade chicken and vegetable soup with noodles

Our recipe has two phases. First we will make a broth and then prepare the soup. To make homemade chicken broth, we will start by peeling the vegetables and breaking them into small pieces. We will do the same with chicken thighs, removing hairs, feathers and any impurity.

Once everything is clean, we put it in a large saucepan and cover it with water, letting it cook for 60 minutes over very low heat, preventing it from making a lot of bubbles to get a more transparent broth.

Strain the broth by passing it through a fine strainer to remove all impurity and cool it for a few hours in the fridge so that the grease you may have is floating on top. There it will be very easy to remove it so that our broth is lighter and healthier.

To make the noodle soup, we have to take advantage of the meat of the thighs, cutting them into small pieces that we reserve for the moment of serving. Crush the vegetables with a tablespoon of already degreased broth, and add two tablespoons of the resulting puree to the broth pan.

We boil the whole, try and rectify salt and we have ready our chicken and vegetable soup for the day we want to consume it. In the fridge it lasts perfectly for a few days and can also be frozen in portions.

When we want to prepare it, heat it in a saucepan and add the noodles that will be made in a couple of minutes. Yes We would like to add more color to the broth than the two tablespoons of the vegetable puree, we can toast a few strands of saffron, dilute them with a little broth and then add them to the saucepan. We serve the soup very hot by adding the meat of the thighs and contramuslos that we will have reserved.

Processing time | 1 hour and a half Difficulty | Very easy


This Summer recipe for kids, chicken and vegetable soup with noodles It is ideal to take at dinner time, when it starts to cool and you feel like a comforting dish that helps you sleep peacefully. Try and do it one of these nights, that when you try it, you will not forget.

Video: 4 quick & easy soup recipes. classic healthy weight loss indian soup recipes (May 2024).