From Aseproce they remind us that the US and Canada are priority destinations to study a year abroad

The Spanish Association of Promoters of Language Courses Abroad (Aseproce) estimates that the next academic year will study outside Spain about 3,500 schoolchildren between 12 and 18 years doing a school year equivalent to Compulsory Secondary Education or Baccalaureate outside Spain. And it is that spending a year studying abroad is the best option to acquire mastery of the language, especially because of the age with which you go to study and for the duration of the programs.

The United States and Canada are the favorite destinations for those who opt for an academic year abroad, while Europe has dropped in preference for those who decide to study outside of Spain. In the United States you can enjoy competitive prices in addition to being an attractive culture and highly promoted by film, television and other media.

The school year programs are experiencing great growth in recent years, for example in 2012 the demand for this type of program increased by 20% compared to 2011, and this year has grown by 25%.

These courses are, according to teaching professionals, the most suitable option to acquire mastery of a language and that the studies are fully validated in Spain. Professionals say that when they spend a school year abroad, children more easily assimilate grammar and pronunciation.

The boys can choose to study in public and private schools during an average stay of 9 to 11 months, and 95% prefer to live with a native family instead of boarding school. 95% of students prefer English-speaking countries, although German and French-speaking countries have experienced slight growth, as a result of the economic situation that Spain is going through.

One of the advantages of studying abroad is that students improve their level of passing and there is a greater chance of academic success, especially, increases the average mark obtained in the English test of Selectivity and that in the case of these Students is a 9.

In general I think Students acquire a series of skills and abilities in an environment that is not theirs, learn to face challenges, acquire autonomy and responsibility, improve self-esteem and trust and also weave a network of contacts that can be very enriching in the future.