The Atresmedia Foundation organizes the event ¡Gracias, profes! September 5, 2013

The Atresmedia Foundation organized the event on September 5 at the Kinépolis cinemas in Madrid the event Thank you, professor! from nine in the morning until three in the afternoon. The initiative is part of the initiative of Year of education which has launched Antena 3.

It is an event in which the characteristics that a good teacher must fulfill, such as being a good communicator, a driver of feelings, a team manager and a motivator. And to address all those concepts and skills there will be an important speakers panel They will talk about constant learning, about having a sense of humor, about inspiring creativity and innovation with their students. The challenge is also that those speakers, who have achieved high professional recognition and experience, share what they learned from their teachers, thus recognizing the important work of the teacher.

The session has more than 1,000 people signed up and registration is still open, although if you cannot go, you can see the event on the Internet through the page. There will also be follow-up on Twitter through the hashtag # graciasprofesFan3.

I believe that these initiatives are necessary and valid, although it is important that there is some coordination between all the efforts made at the end of the year to promote the figure of the teacher and work to improve the education of the children.