Women who already have children feel better about their bodies than those women who have not had them

Becoming parents is something that fills our lives with many changes, but in the case of mothers, these changes are also physical, because our body goes through an impressive transformation during pregnancy, which continues after childbirth, since our baby has born.

Part of this physical transformation also happens in our mind, not only because of the arrival of the baby, but because now that our body has changed, we perceive physical beauty in another way. And for sample, a study, in which it was found that women who were already mothers feel better about their bodies than those who had not had children yet.

The study

Each woman has a different body than another. However, something that most of us have in common is that sometimes we can feel a little complex with certain parts or aspects of our body. One of those parts, in many cases is the size of the breasts, which according to this study, contributes to women having a negative perception about their physique, however, they discovered something that caught their attention: this does not happen in all and for a particular reason.

According to the results of the 484 Italian women who participated in the investigation, 69% of them reported that the size of the breasts caused them dissatisfaction, and 44% of them would like them to be larger, and they were convinced that that would help them with their image and make them happier with their bodies.

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The study found that this dissatisfaction with breast size was associated with other physical or body image problems. Women who were not happy with their bodies fell into something called "perfectionist self-introduction," that is, they had problems with their physical image and felt the need or desire to be perfect and free from imperfections.

However, in a group of women participants, this did not occur. According to the results, 54% of the women who participated in the study did not present this association between breast size and perfectionism in their bodies: those who already had children.

According to the researchers, motherhood would play a very important role in women's perception of their own bodies, because it helps to break that link between the perfectionist self-presentation and the size of the breasts.

Analyzing the results and trying to understand specifically why women with children felt happier with their bodies, it is thought that they began to see the breasts from a point of view that leaned more towards the functional side and not so much towards the side aesthetic.

In short: women with children were able to understand that their bodies had created life and fed their children, so instead of feeling self-conscious, they felt proud of their physique, and ceased to give so much importance to whether it was attractive or not.

The concept of beauty after motherhood

The results of this study could be interpreted as that women do not care about their appearance after having children. But it's not that after being a mother we don't care about our physique, but that Now we understand that its value lies not only in its appearance, but in everything that our body is capable of doing.

All those changes that are experienced after pregnancy and childbirth, remain as visible and palpable evidence that we are capable of truly incredible things, how to create life, gestate it for nine months, bring it into the world and continue to be its main food during the first months of life.

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Unlike women who have not had children, and who may feel pressured by fashion magazines and their stereotypes of perfectionist beauty, we mothers learn to value and love our bodies, feeling proud of what they are capable of and not only giving importance to how they look, becoming more kind to ourselves.

After all, thanks to these stretch marks, extra pounds or those breasts that are no longer as firm as before, today we can have our children in our arms. Y there is nothing more beautiful and perfect in the world than that.

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