Do you want to celebrate Halloween for sure? Tips for parents of older children who want to go out alone

As we anticipated yesterday, we have prepared a mini series of tickets on security on Halloween, because we love to have fun on that magical and special night, but we are interested in having control over the events that will happen, in order to enjoy more and have a good memory.

Today we are going to take care of offering a series of recommendations in order to make sure that those big children who already start wanting to go with their friends to ask for sweets around the houses, don't have any problem on the tour. Do you have children of more than 10 years who do not want you to accompany them, or prefer to specify a place and an hour of meeting to return home? Then this may interest you.

Of course, I am not able to tell you how old you can leave them, of course if they were less than ten, I would not dare; and they are to take into account to determine the minimum threshold the environment (town or city), the friends or colleagues with whom you leave (and the trust they give us), as well as the responsibility that you have demonstrated on other occasions

Conditions for children to go out in groups with others of their age

  • Previously an adult should talk with the participants to establish the rules, and make sure they have understood them.

The preparation

  • We must talk with the children about the time they should return or in which we will pick you up, in which case we will clarify exactly the meeting point.

  • It is convenient that at least one of the group carries a mobile phone, and that we provide them in the call list the phones that they should call first if they want to ask for more time or if they want us to go before them.

  • Children will know exactly which people we would ask for a favor to take care of them if we are late to pick them up, or we want to give them an urgent message.

  • We will prepare Lantern for our son, and an additional pair in case any of his classmates do not carry on. This is even if there is good street lighting. Nothing to wear lanterns with real fire!

The tour

  • If we live in a city, and the children are small (under 14 years old), it is convenient that move only through the neighborhood in which they live. There they know the spaces, they know how to identify the trustworthy people to whom they can ask for a little help if a setback arises, and they are not far from home, which gives us security. If the neighborhood is very large, it is convenient to delimit the reasonable limits by which they will be able to travel.

  • Regardless of the population size, we will be interested in the route you have planned, and we can make suggestions or include variations. For example, we may not want them to go through that field that always seems deserted.

  • Of course, Halloween is a good occasion to remember basic safety instructions: It is forbidden to enter the houses or enter cars, no matter what they are promised in return, and it does not matter the intentions of the people who suggest (for example) "go to the salon while I look for candies." The sweets are collected outside the chosen places.

Nor should they give credit to indications that use as an excuse alleged requests from the children's parents (“your mothers have told me that you wait here”), this applies even to people they know (remember to know exactly how to who or who would resort in that situation). The fact that we have talked many times with our children about this issue is not an impediment to remember it.

Cars also circulate on that day

  • And therefore they must pay attention to road signs (traffic lights, zebra crossing), and ensure that cars or motorcycles also respect that rule and stop to make way for them.

  • It is not convenient to get off the sidewalk if you go through busy streets, or use a public outdoor parking as a transit place to get to another site. This is because unexpectedly you can find a moving vehicle.

"Nor does it cross between two parked cars"

The return

  • Now it gets dark soon, so we can meet the children at nine, even if they tell us they haven't had enough. I assume that if they are small, we will try to leave them at the latest at half past seven in the afternoon, so the time they have is more than enough.

  • The sweets, for when they return, and also to take into account while they take the walk: any candy that they have collected and are in poor visual, olfactory conditions, or because the package has been previously opened, will be discarded and will not be worth for consumption.

  • It is time (or not) to continue the party at the home of one of them, or in the intimacy of the home, and time to remember these tips to avoid that by force of clinging to sugary products, they get sick.

We leave it for today, and we will continue tomorrow talking about Security measures when we organize the Halloween party at home, we wait for you.

Images | Bryan Alexander, Falashad On Peques and More | Do not know what to do for Halloween dinner ?: these mini mummy pizzas you will like

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