The Romo robot teaches children to understand and use technology while playing

Robopolis It is a leading European robotic services company that manufactures functional and educational robots and works to bring artificial intelligence to homes. One of his most interesting creations is the robot Roomba, a robot vacuum cleaner, launched in 2002 and maintains its leadership in domestic robotics. He is currently in the sixth generation and has millions of followers worldwide.

In this case we present the Romo robot, which allows the whole family to communicate in a simple way while children can learn by playing. If the other day we introduced Bo and Yana and we were referring to the fact that the main obstacle of this type of toys is the need to practice, learn and focus on learning trying to use the available resources, in the case of the Romo robot all this still accentuate more.

And is that Romo is a small mobile robot that integrates a iPhone or iPod touch (they have to have a camera) becomes a pet that children can use independently and intuitively to play. Thanks to an application, Romo can act as a dancer, DJ, photographer or be a Skype on wheels. And above all you can customize the Romo robot by programming other actions.

Thanks to Wi-Fi, Romo can be controlled from any computer or iOS device, it only works with Apple devices. For example, it can be used to make videoconferences with children, supervise their duties or say good night.

The objective of its developers was to create a simple and affordable robot that the user could enjoy. This has been achieved thanks to the combination of the smartphone with a mobile base that allows you to move it wherever you want. The funniest thing is the digital creature lives on the iPhone / iPod and explores the world with our help as if it were a pet.

I've also seen a presentation of Romo robot in TED which seems like a publicity report and in which its operation can be seen in detail:

And finally say that although the robot, with the pet that puts on its face, looks good, it is beautiful, it has a practical design however It is still a phone or a mobile device with wheels and that does not do much more than go from one place to another using functions that can be performed in the hand. Also beware of high surfaces because the risk of falling and breaking the mobile device is very high. And finally, it does not seem that he behaves like a robot, in the sense that he does nothing practical or makes our lives easier.

In any case, it is a matter of time before this type of technology is generalized and our children will probably be the ones who manufacture, program, adjust and make them available to children of the next generation with functionalities that we are not yet able to imagine.

In the store of the link below they sell it for 179.99 euros, although it does not include either the iPhone / iPod or iPad to move it remotely.

Video: 5 Best Robots for Kids : Games, Fun and Learning 2 (July 2024).