Tascha and Dylan: a love and care story with an uncertain ending, do you know them?

Would you say the image bitch is dangerous? It is a Staffordshire bull terrier, and in the state of Bradenburg (Germany) there is a law that considers race as dangerous; In fact, in Spain there is also a Royal Decree that includes these dogs along with other potentially dangerous ones. However, according to World Health Organization statistics, only 0.012 percent of dog attacks against people are carried out by a Staffordshire bull terrier.

In fact, if you remember the introduction of this post, we reflected on the inconvenience of determine the hazard according only to the 'race' criterion. But what happens to our protagonist (Tascha is called), is that he has bitten a neighbor's dog, and that is why now the authorities want to remove it from his home to take it to another place or sacrifice it.

Does this decision justify a fight between dogs? Well, the truth is that I don't know if the other dog has been injured, or the severity of the bite. But in this story that is not the question, because this bitch is considered by her 'human family' as the main caretaker of Dylan, a 10-year-old boy who is in a coma. Dylan spends all his time in his room surrounded by machines, stuffed animals, and accompanied by Tascha, who enters in the morning, greets him and remains with him, in a routine that he repeats daily for six years, do you know any caretaker who be able to maintain that rhythm of attention and that fidelity? Well, Dylan is also taken care of by his parents, but they must also take care of other matters.

Eckard and Bárbara, Dylan's parents, know that there is a strong bond between child and dog, and they have the evidence that the breathing and heartbeat of the first improve when Tascha is next to him, doctors agree with them. The dog is neutered and has received training, so the authorities of Schonwalde (Bradenburg) objected nothing when the family decided to stay with her.

This moving story is circulating rapidly through social networks, and it has started uA campaign to push and get Tascha and Dylan together... The fight between dogs can be solved in another way, they do not have the gift of the word like us, but perhaps an intervention by humans manages to calm this tense situation, and reverse the decision to take the child away from the joy of seeing to your pet every day, and the confidence your company gives you.

In this case it would seem logical to me to arrive at an acceptable solution for all parties, especially considering the condition of the child who is in a coma since he was born. Apparently, if the parents manage to prove to the mayor of the municipality that Tascha acts as a therapy dog ​​for Dylan, they would have some chance of keeping it.

Of course, many times we would do well to look at situations in perspective, and allow laws and regulations to be more flexible for the benefit of people, don't you think?

Upgrade : I update the information to inform you that as we read on the Facebook page opened by the family for that purpose, you can read that they have finally let Tascha stay with Dylan.

Video: Ocean Lakes HS Graduation - Class of 2019 (May 2024).