Safety tips to enjoy the Three Kings Parade

Two years after the holidays we received a tragic news related to the Three Kings Parade, a minor died in this meeting that is supposed to be synonymous with happiness and enthusiasm. The parades must also be safe, so now that many are waiting to go with your children today, we leave these safety tips to enjoy the Three Kings Parade.

  • If you are in a big city, it is convenient to use public transport to get close to the itinerary, or park your own vehicle taking into account the cut sections and the nearby car parks. Go with time, and better if it is walking and the weather allows it.

  • Also if we are walking, it is convenient to go ahead with time, in this way, if it is not possible to move along with the ride (in smaller towns it is usually easier) we will take a good place. But what is the best site?

  • Choose a large place to enjoy the parade, without burdens or agglomerations, with enough space to be comfortable you and the little ones. Moving away a little from the passage area it is possible to obtain a better panoramic view.

  • It is not necessary to be perched on urban elements that may be unstable, such as railings, walls, canopies, benches, street lamps ...

  • Do not lose sight of your children at any time, an oversight of a second could be enough to be lost among people or hurt themselves.

  • Do not say goodbye with your personal items, there are those who do not understand parties to appropriate the alien.

  • When the entourage passes, children must be prevented from approaching floats or trailers to avoid tumult around and trips, falls and even abuses. Although the parties are usually cordoned off by people who watch, there can be carelessness and any child can "sneak in" and end up under the trailer.

  • In case there were, never go through the fences that separate us from the parade.

  • Do not throw candies or any object at the occupants of the floats, nor to other spectators of the parade. Prevent your children from doing it. In some cities like Madrid this has been expressly prohibited in some sections.

  • Beware of babies especially and the launch of candies, as they are more vulnerable to these small projectiles.

  • Let's not fight for candies, they are simple candies. It seems in this country that when there is something free we fight for it. But avalanches can cause accidents, so it is advisable to remain calm and sure that some caramelito reaches us. A trick so that the little ones do not pounce on the candies is to take our own "selection" and give it to us if we consider it convenient.

  • Don't throw the candy papers on the floor, set an example for the little ones.

  • Keep an eye on the candies and papers that have been left on the floor once the parade ends, as they can cause some fall by sliding when walking back home.

  • In an emergency, keep calm, avoid running and follow the instructions of the authorities and operational services in each location, as well as call 112 to request help if necessary.

Remember, the safety of children in the Three Horseback Rides is everyone's responsibility, so that we make an effort because this tradition runs smoothly. We hope that these safety tips help you enjoy the Kings Cavalcade even more.. Happy Night of Kings!