What is the most environmentally friendly contraceptive method?

They say that in this world there are people for everything and it seems that it is becoming a universal law, who has not reached the typical link to "the list of ten fill here what corresponds" and since the Internet landed in our homes, The practice of rankings or lists has become an art.

There is no field, As serious as it may seem, be free to be included in a ranking. And of course, if there is an issue that lends itself to these things, it is the world of sex, there was little left without portraying and regarding the contraceptive methods much less, we have classifications for effectiveness, ease of use, availability and danger of the side effects, but there was still something left, contraceptive was left with one of the latest trends that are more fashionable "the BIO" so here we will see what is the most environmentally friendly contraceptive method.

The pill (group of hormonal contraceptives)

One of the contraceptives most used, More than 11 million women take it and only in the United States, whether as a pill, vaginal ring, patches or injections. When a woman takes the pill, it releases different synthetic forms of estrogen and progesterone, which cause the ovaries not to release the ovule and prevent it from being fertilized and can be implanted in the uterus. But what about those extra hormones that are produced? When the woman releases excess estrogen through the urine, which goes to the rivers affecting the ecosystem, both humans and amphibians and aquatic animals, causing infertility and an increase in intersexuality in their offspring.

In a study carried out in 2004, it was discovered that between 35 and 50% of the estrogen from the Seine River, in Paris, had human origin. However, it must be said that the pill is not the only cause of this contamination but that this hormone is also released by BPA plastics (biphenol) and by the won, so it is not a matter of starting to take urine to the dumps of organic waste from hospitals.

Today, the estrogen content in human drinking water is among 0.4 and 17.6 nanograms per liter, amount that It is considered safe, Although there are no studies on its long-term effect and unfortunately the elimination of this compound from water is extremely complicated. Hopefully in the future we can have other types of contraceptives with less hormones.

We classify it as grade B


Along with the pill is the most widely used contraceptive method worldwide and unlike this, the condom has a high efficacy against sexually transmitted diseases.

The "typical" condom is manufactured in latex, which is natural rubber and therefore biodegradable. But, there is always a but, and not everything is latex in its composition because additives such as talc and casein are added, a protein from milk, which increases its degradability time, although the latex already takes its own time until it disappears (about two years). Other alternatives can be found in "vegan" condoms, I already told you that this fashion is unparalleled, that they use coconut as an additive although its base is still latex and therefore has the same degradation.

Other compounds that can be used in the manufacture of condoms are, the plastic and as such its degradation is very, very slow. There are also those made of lamb intestine (in fact they were among the first to be used centuries ago and are still being manufactured). They have high degradability but are not effective in preventing STDs.

Regardless of the material of which condoms are made, they represent only a very small part of the garbage that we generate per year, however it must be taken into account that they are still products that do not degrade easily and that present a certain danger to the aquatic world, especially if ingested. Therefore it is best that we never throw the condom in the toilet and use the conventional garbage can, the organic if possible.


Lambskin: B + (we lower your note for not protecting against STDs) Latex: B (if we later dispose of it correctly) Polyurethane (plastic): C-

IUD (Intrauterine Device)

T-shaped device that is inserted into the uterus. It can be manufactured from copper or plastic The plastic one administers low doses of progesterone to prevent ovulation and the copper one interferes with the movement of sperm. It presents the problem of not protecting against sexually transmitted diseases although it is very effective avoiding pregnancy (only 0.3% of failures).

Because the IUD It is effective for years (between 5 and 12) We can say that we save the use of other methods during this time and although one of the versions is plastic, we are talking about avoiding waste during years so you receive a type A classification

Do not use any artificial method

That is, methods such as Ogino-knaus, the famous reverse Or simply pray. They have the advantage of having the approval of the church and the gratitude of many midwives and gynecologists who, thanks to them, continue to attend births daily and earn their children's bread. I am sure that most of you have ever spoken to someone born thanks to this method.

If you do it carefully we can talk about a couple of tissues as scrap for each relationship and therefore we could talk about a type A or A +, but if we have to change and wash sheets every time the thing goes down to a B or B- and due to its zero effectiveness to avoid pregnancy we will leave it in a definitive C-.

I hope you now have a clearer idea or perhaps I should say, greener of the whole contraceptive world. Would you change the method to be greener or better continue as we are?