Salbutamol: a medicine that produces greater benefits than risks if the treatment is well indicated

Salbutamol is part of the group of medications we know as "fast-acting bronchodilators," more specifically, its action consists in relaxing the musculature of the bronchi, thus the diameter and caliber of them, return to those in normal conditions. If you are among the parents whose children have had to take this medication at some time (I am), you will know that the symptoms (cough and respiratory distress) improve when you take it.

We know the inhaled Salbutamol as (Ventolin®), and it also helps prevent shortness of breath and wheezing during exercise (exercise-induced asthma). It seems that some parents have doubts about the pediatrician's prescription, because they worry that the child acquires addiction or dependence on the drug; It is also known the effect that produces palpitations, and sometimes nervousness to patients.

That is why the pediatrician Juan Morales from the Consultation without Appointment, clarifies some aspects to take into account in relation to the use of Salbutamol by children, such as that they will not become dependent on the fact of using it
Asthmatic crises or bronchospasms (as a result of colds or flu) are the two main causes to prescribe the drug. There is a presentation in syrup that can be used orally, but it is proven that it is safer, faster and more effective to use the presentation inhaled or nebulized in its defect (in general with very intense symptoms). However, it is not easy to administer or that the child (if very young) collaborates, so we think that the video produced by the Hospital de Nens (Barcelona) on inhalation techniques in children with asthma will be useful.

We leave the syrup for those cases in which there is no way for the child to let himself inhale.

Information of interest about this medication

In About Kids Health, I have found that Salbutamol does not prevent warning signs and asthma danger signs, for which compounds (always prescribed by the doctor) compounds should be used to achieve that goal. It is super important not to behave our children's medications with other people; as much as making sure we always have enough for weekends, holidays and vacations.

It should be kept at room temperature, as long as the place is cool (and also dry), and away from sunlight, it is better not to store it in the bathroom or kitchen. Remember that expired medications are not saved, and that in this case, the content is under pressure, so in no case should it be punctured, and therefore it will always be far from the reach and sight of minors, to avoid The temptation to do experiments with the container.

'The most common side effect of this drug is the appearance of tachycardia, which also occurs with syrup. There are also children who "get as motorcycles", others who may have hand tremors or headache. But if the treatment is well indicated and at the appropriate dose, the benefit it produces is greater than the possible risk'.

If Salbutamol has been prescribed for your child

You must notify the pediatrician or pharmacist, if you suffer from heart or vascular disease, overactive thyroid, high blood pressure or irregular heartbeat (including very fast pulse).

Recall that although by definition, and like the rest of medications, Salbutamol could be considered a “drug,” it does not cause addiction.

Finally, and in the line of this entry a few weeks ago, the cough due to a catarrhal process, it almost always heals itself after several days, and without the need for medication. This is not the case with bronchospasms.

Video: Ventilation Perfusion VQ Mismatch Explained Clearly (May 2024).