Do you post photos of other children on the internet?

Since social networks have reached our lives, who we are parents we usually publish photos of our children to share with family and friends. Sometimes our children are accompanied by other children, such as a friend with whom we have gone for a walk, a group of children on a birthday, a representation at school, playing with another child on the beach ... Anyway, situations can Be very diverse.

It is very common, and it is likely that you have not even considered it. Therefore, we ask you: Do you post photos of other children, other than your children, on the internet?

The fact is that we are making public the image of a child who is not able to decide for himself about his right to privacy. Then it should be the parents who decide whether or not they want their child's image to be spread on the networks. Thus, we should ask for authorization before doing so, except for children with whose parents we have confidence (siblings, close friends) and know in advance that they will agree.

It may sound exaggerated to have to ask for permission, but from the legal point of view it should be like that with any child other than our child, and we should even have a written authorization, be it an email, a note on a napkin or the whatever it is.

Let's get on the other side for a moment. If someone who is not a close friend or a member of our family uploads a picture of our child on the internet without our permission it wouldn't make us too funny, true? I am sure that most of you would not agree, even some would not allow it however close they may be.

In my case, I only publish photos of my daughters with children of friends, whose parents have no problem, but I would perfectly understand that someone asked me not to. Apart from that, I do not usually publish photos of children whose parents I do not have confidence and want to do (although I do not think I had a need, you can avoid uploading that photo), I would ask the parents for permission before doing so.

What do you think about it? Do you post photos of other children on the internet? Would it bother you that photos of your children were published without your permission? Has it happened to you?

Video: Children Internet Safety Interview Part 5 - Posting Pictures Safely (July 2024).