Aneiros, the new prevention system that could prevent deaths of babies by forgetfulness inside the car

Surely any parent remembers the news, a baby dies after being forgotten inside the car. We think that this will never happen to us, we are tired, we are sleepy and have a thousand things in our heads, but forgetting our son in the car is something that will not happen to us.

However, it is something that happens more frequently than we think, only in the United States die an average of 38 children a year. Thus, Dennis Aneiros, a car designer has created a system that according to him, every car should carry. Its about Aneiros, the new prevention system that could prevent deaths of babies by forgetfulness inside the car.

The ANEIROS prevention system

It is not a matter of looking for who is to blame or what has happened so that a father or a mother forgets his own son inside the car, Dennis has decided to take action and design a system that prevents this from happening.

The system is very simple, moreover, it is based on another security system that is already invented and that most cars already carry. Surely you have or have mounted in a car in which if it starts and you have not fastened the belt begins to issue a warning or a pilot light indicating that there is someone, we do not mean who, who has not buckled the belt . In mine, for example, the beep is so annoying that even the most reluctant to comply with safety regulations ends up buckling it.

Three levels of alert:

Alert Level 1 As the Aneiros works in a similar way, it consists of a sensor placed in the baby's chair that is connected to the car switchboard, so that when the chair is occupied and the engine stops, it verifies that the driver has left the vehicle and that's when it starts to emit a soft signal audible to warn that the baby's seat is occupied.

Alert Level 2 After three minutes in which the system continues to detect that there is a baby in the chair activate the alarm of the car in the same way that would be activated if they were stealing the vehicle, lighting lights, turn signals and sounding the horn. With this it is possible to draw attention to the vehicle in case the father has ignored or has not heard the initial signals.

Red alert If still no one returns to take the child out of the car the system to the last level of alert and turn on the air conditioning system of the car and opens the central locking of doors so that anyone, who has heard the previous alarms, can take the baby out of the car.

I am sure that with this system most of these types of accidents can be avoided and that it should be mandatory in all vehicles.

The system is in the crowdfunding phase to find the necessary financing to pass the prototype phase and for about 217 euros you can have your Aneiros protection system from next June. Here you can see much more about this system.