World Immunization Week: Are your vaccines up to date?

World Immunization Week is celebrated the last week of April and aims to promote vaccines as one of the most powerful instruments we have in the world in relation to health. The theme of the 2014 World Immunization Week is "Are your vaccines up to date?"

A motto that aims to raise public awareness about the importance of knowing if everyone has received all the vaccines they need.

The motto and calls for action worldwide will be "For a healthy future, get vaccinated. Learn. Check. Protect." We want to make people aware that having vaccines up to date increases the chances of a healthy future.

According to the World Health Organization The use of vaccines is an ideal means to protect people of any age against disease. It is widely recognized that immunization is one of the most successful and effective health interventions.

That is why this and other medical organizations warn of the risks of stopping vaccinating our children and in the blog we often bring you reasons as to why you are in favor of childhood vaccination.

Despite this, in the developed world and especially in developing countries, many children do not have access to vaccines, putting their health at risk.

Within two days this campaign begins that will also emphasize these reflections. April 24 to 30 is World Immunization Week, so that these days we will hear related news in the media and it will reach more people the importance of having the vaccines up to date.

Video | Youtube More information | WHO In Babies and more | "Life without vaccines", a dangerous book according to where you live, Six misconceptions about vaccines, The ten most controversial parenting practices: vaccination

Video: Get The Picture: Child Immunizations (May 2024).