Audiosnaps allows saving images with five seconds of sound

I have been waiting to talk about AudioSnaps. It is an application for mobile devices which allows to record up five seconds of sound that accompany a still image. Audiosnaps is a Spanish application accelerated by Wayra Barcelona and what I liked the most was the possibilities it offers to education Y entertainment. For leisure it is clear because it allows you to store memories in a different way by being able to store smiles, applause, atmosphere and much more sound related to the image that is made.

Is in the education where it makes me think that something can contribute, for example, choosing an image and about it encouraging children to make a brief description or tell a story combining images and words of several students. And many more ideas that surely educators and their students can come up with. Audiosnaps works in Android Y Manzana, is free and as a mobile application that is, it is open to your content being share online through typical social networks like Twitter and Facebook.

Audiosnaps records the images in format JPEG and it is very simple to use, first record the sound and then take the picture. It is easy to register and start using it. The user community continues to grow and they have already exceeded tens of thousands of them.

Surely the Audiosnaps developers are still working on improvements, adjustments and above all creating a critical mass that allows them to ensure continuity. I think it is an application that has a lot of potential and travel especially in education because it can be used to carry out projects and experiments with children, always in a controlled way, and with well-defined objectives.