Five ideas for your child to grow up happy

We want nothing more parents than he who our children grow up happy, now in their childhood and that they are prepared to have a happy life when they are adults.

Sometimes we wonder if making children happy can make them less capable in the future, but the reality is that resilience, that is, the ability to face and overcome problems, builds on healthy self-esteem and the security of being valuable. And that is born in childhood, so I think it is very important that parents worry and take care of the now. And you are Five ideas will help you to make your children grow up happy.

Treat it as you like to be treated

The education that we receive weighs a lot and without wishing it we tend to repeat patterns, sometimes without questioning them and sometimes sincerely believing that we should be hard on children to prevent them from developing undamaged behaviors.

But the reality is that children deserve to be treated like any other human being: with respect, affection, and without exerting violence on them that we would never do towards an adult and that it would hurt us to receive from those on whom we depend and love. Y being treated as we wish to be treated increases your happiness.

To educate a child there are no manuals, no recipes, or formulas that serve us all equally, but if we must keep in mind, when we interact with them, that the treatment we give them should be the one we like to receive (or that we would have liked to receive as children).

Just as we feel happier when we receive affection, sincere words, serenity and we are even corrected with respect, they will respond. Just as we feel damaged and angry if they mistreat, shout or insult us, they do too.

Give importance to your concerns and interests

Children, like us, have a rich inner world. Their experiences, their problems, their worries, their emotions, their interests and tastes are, for them, as important as ours. And they, more than us, need to feel valued by the environment, especially their parents.

Yes, driven by the rhythm of our adult lives, we minimize what they they need to tell us and share with us, we convey the idea that they do not matter so much, that their reality is nothing more than nonsense.

An excited or sad child who receives indifference from his parents, who is not heard or encouraged, feels unprotected. He loses the ability to trust that it matters, that it is worth, that he has the right to receive attention. And the message penetrates deeply into him, sowing the lack of trust that later worries teenage parents so much. But, if we never had time to listen to them as children and we never gave importance to their experiences, how do we expect them to find us later to tell us about their problems?

Play with him

For the child the most important activity is, or should be, the game. Playing is not just fun, it is the way in which human puppies learn and relate.

When parents share games with their children give them valueThey make them feel important in the lives of their parents and also lay the foundations of trust and mutual knowledge.

Have high expectations

There is nothing that makes a person think that he will never do anything right and that he will fail to have his parents tell him. If nobody expects anything good from you, nothing good will you do.

Have high expectations It does not mean that we want our children to be geniuses, nor the best students, nor rich, nor that we demand that they never make mistakes. To have high expectations is to expect the best of them, and tell them.

Tell them that we know they are wonderful, good, empathic people, with dreams that deserve to come true, hardworking, capable and full of love. That, as we do, they will err, but that they are able to improve and overcome difficulties. That we trust them, that they are responsible, sincere and kind, and that one or a thousand mistakes do not change what they are, as they are simply opportunities to do better next time.

Tell him how much you love him

And I leave for the end the most important thing so that our children are happy today, grow happy and they can be in the future: tell them that we love them, that nothing prepared us for the reality of the infinite joy they bring to our lives, that we will always want and help them, that they make us proud and fill us with happiness. Knowing how to be loved hear that you are loved, is something that makes us very happy. To them more.