Don't you want to put on your glasses? Ten tricks to get it

Until five or six years the eye is in full development (it will still take many years to reach maturity) and it is not easy to determine if there is any visual problem, but there are certain cases in which they are easily detected. What happens to those children who need glasses and don't want to wear them? Here are some tricks to get it.

There will be some children for whom the novelty of the glasses and feeling special make them very comfortable. But not all the little ones are funny having to wear glasses, they can feel uncomfortable at first, they look weird, little friends tell them things ... In these cases, how to help them to accept this change?

  • Do not contribute to rejection from the beginning. When the idea that you need glasses is confirmed, listen to your opinion before assuming that you will not want to wear them and make comments like "You will not want to," "Go work" ... because they can predispose the child to wear glasses It's bad and not wanting to wear them.

  • Let the child choose the glasses to his liking (Within a range of possibilities that you can look before and offer), this way you will be more satisfied with putting them on. Both in the form and in the color, it is important that they are of your taste and in this sense do not discard colorful glasses or with a touch of fantasy.

  • Both the ophthalmologist and the eye doctor can help in this process, they are usually used to dealing with children and make them happy with their glasses, but if the child is very reluctant we can talk to the professionals before, so that they “are prepared” and know that the child is reluctant to wear glasses.

  • Talk to your child about the importance of visual health and the consequences of not wearing glasses (without dramatizing). It is essential to talk with them, communicate, also in regard to this issue. This is something that links to the previous point, because doctors can also talk to children about this issue and their authority can convince them.

  • It is important that the immediate environment avoid derogatory comments about the glasses and this issue should be especially careful in school, and detect if any child criticizes or makes fun of the glasses (especially the elderly, because the children usually seem very cool glasses).

  • Similarly, giving excessive importance to the subject of glasses can be counterproductive, always praising the child, often talking about the lenses ... It is best to act naturally.

  • Do not punish them or quarrel when they take off their glasses, but rather reinforce their behavior when they wear them, with an optimistic attitude.

  • Let the child express his doubts, his fears ... As we have said before, communication is important but it should not be unidirectional, we need the child to express himself and we will respond in order to know that we understand him and to reassure him.

  • The heroes also wear glasses. Another trick that can encourage them to wear the glasses and be happier with them is to give them examples they admire or characters they like. From Harry Potter to Gerónimo Stilton or Lupita de Los Lunnis, you will surely see them and they will look gorgeous.

  • Together with the heroes or fictional characters we have other much closer examples. Dad or mom may wear glasses, some grandfather or uncle, some friend ... These cases, which are also people they love and admire, can serve as a model.

In the case of sunglasses, some of these tricks can also be useful, although since they are of "passenger" use, the problems are less when you want to wear them (and they are also important for visual health).

Finally, remember: less eye exams, more vision problems in children: go to the ophthalmologist once a year after four or five years and do not stop doing pediatric exams before, since the pediatrician also checks the visual health of the little ones.

Also keep in mind all the symptoms that indicate that there may be visual problems in children and do not let them pass. If the child finally needs glasses, we hope that these tricks help you to wear them normally.

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In Babies and more | At the beginning of classes, a visit to the ophthalmologist, wearing glasses is a nuisance