The latest and incredible invention to control the baby "at a distance"

Imagine a device that calculates when your baby will wake up and let you know only from a "table" with your sleeping habits. Pretty unlikely, right? More than anything because babies don't understand sleep habits and luckily they don't have to set their alarm at seven to go to work.

Sproutling is an ankle bracelet that monitors the baby and sends information to parents about all their movements, heartbeat, body temperature, room temperature ... and the optimal sleeping conditions as well as the moment you will wake up. And all from the collection of information about the baby's two-week sleep patterns.

I do not say that with somewhat older children it could work more or less, but the biggest drawback I see this gadget is that when they are babies, they have no sleep patterns. Needless to do, I would add.

Sproutling has been created by a company founded by two San Francisco parents, responsible for manufacturing this device that they consider "the smallest baby monitor in the world."

We have seen gadgets to translate the baby's crying and calm him, and even an "automatic whisper" and the technology never ceases to amaze us, even if it is to confirm its more than likely uselessness as in these cases.

It may have medical utility, although there will already be "non-homemade" versions to control babies admitted to a hospital, for example. But really I don't see a device of this type necessary or useful for a house.

The latest invention to control the baby from a distance is Sproutling and you can book now online. Its sale price is about 300 euros and there will be version for iPhone and Android. One tip: it is cheaper and more effective to be with the baby and take care of it "first hand". It may even take longer to wake up!

Video: 7 SIMPLE TOYS (July 2024).