Don Miki's magazine and comic returns

When I have seen advertising these days announcing the return of Don Miki's publication I have moved to childhood in which going to buy the magazine was a complete illusion. And is that the adventures that appeared from Uncle Gilito, of the Broilers, of the Uncle donald and of the nephews Jorgito, Jaimito Y Juanito they were a way of approaching reading at the age of ten, at least in my generation. I do not know if this type of works appears in the sales compilations that speak of the EGB children although they should do it because they accompanied us and taught us many adventures.

What the publishing house that re-launches this collectible tells us is that Don Miki was a whirlwind of imagination that brought a lot of color and joy to the kiosks of Spain at the end of the 70s of the last century. The kids of the time we could read the magic of the Disney characters on paper getting a fun and entertaining children's adventure magazine. Other leisure experiences were mounted around them, so they were not called that, such as the Don Miki Club, of which I remember being a member and receiving products and promotions in the mailbox of my parents' house! which then caught our attention.

The collection Don Miki from Agostini planet It offers the possibility of gathering, in comics with the original format, which was very comfortable to read and transport, many of the copies of this publication. In the books of the collection they indicate that the images have been restored to guarantee their quality and the original stories have been respected.

The binding and format have also been reproduced, including small winks to the readers of the 70s and 80s, maintaining information of the original cover, such as the price in pesetas. Among its pages, you can find reports of the time and the most classic sections of the magazine such as Don Miki Club or the Do you know how you are, among others.

The editorial explains that the selection of comics in the collection has been very careful, and therefore, among its numbers, you can find the most special, including the first copy of the collection, in the first installment. I will go to the kiosk for her, although as it happens then make the collection absolutely impossible.