Which countries of the world prefer China or the United States

In the 80s of the last century in Spain you could see on television ads that talked about Americans who were wondering about Right? Regarding which appliances you had to choose to buy. For more than a decade many factories have moved to China making this country, with more than one billion inhabitants, a reference for the whole world.

According to the influence we have from the United States in Spain It seems to me that although it is high, it has fallen a lot compared to what we had in the 80s. I don't know if it will be the factories, the policies that are applied or the difficulty to continue being a leader in a global world. In any case even the movie theater, he Art, the technology and the culture American continue to influence Spain making our country prefer the United States over China but I think it will gradually equalize because everything is much more diluted than years ago. Something similar happens in the world and that is why this map of The week It is quite revealing.

For example, in the United States only 35 percent have a favorable opinion towards China and there are still many countries in blue, that is, choosing the country of North America. Even so China's red is very prominent in Eastern Europe and Asia although there is also a lot of equality in several countries that, in black, are not fully defined by one country.

They surprise me Venezuela and Argentina that if they have traditionally looked very strongly at the United States, much more so than at Europe, now it seems that they are moving quickly towards China. The data comes from Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project that is able to obtain this information to represent it graphically on the world map that can be seen in the image.

In my case, that I grew up with Steven Spielberg's films, I'm still staying with the United States. Although the effort of many film and series directors of that country to insist on presenting desolate and depressing scenarios Each time they make me think of a United States that loses opportunities to maintain its leadership in the future.

Video: . vs China - What The World Thinks (May 2024).